(20 Chapters of Bucky 7) (Onsie 6) Fighting Undyne

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(I don't know anything about Undertale so sorry if it bad hehe.... thanks FriskAU909 for helping me with Undyne's personality ^^)

Laney- Bucky do you know who Undyne is?

Bucky- why?

Larry-  dares us to fight him/her

Bucky- (searches it up) she's from Undertale. And because I don't know how to get her I'm going to make Daisy use her author powers.

Undyne- (appears out nowhere)

Undyne- (appears out nowhere)

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Laney and Larry- (confused)

Bucky- (hides and whispers) Fightttt

Undyne- (glares at them) how did I get here from the underworld (or wherever she comes from)

Laney- u-um

Larry- uh

Undyne- your clothing is.....

Laney- weird

larry- strange

Undyne- (smirks) This is the perfect opportunity to grab the seven souls for Asgore

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Undyne- (smirks) This is the perfect opportunity to grab the seven souls for Asgore

Laney and Larry- (gulps)

Undyne- (transforms) AHHHHHH (attacks them while yelling)

Undyne- (transforms) AHHHHHH (attacks them while yelling)

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Laney and Larry- (runs away)

Undyne- such wimps (keeps on attacking them)

Larry- I-I know :(

Laney- did.... you.... just....call me a.... WIMP?

Larry- I am merciful (bows in front of Undyne)

Undyne- ..... (hits him with spear and he gets hit away)

Larry- yay~ I'm not dead

Undyne- YOu're not dead?! Oh I'll- (readies spear)

larry- IM DEAD (acts dead)

Undyne- good. (looks at laney) and you?

Laney- I'M MERCILESS!!!!! (uses powers from other chapters and freezes Undyne's feet)

undyne- That determination... (smirks) you may have me stuck on one stop... but I still have my weapon FUHUHUHU

 but I still have my weapon FUHUHUHU

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Laney- fuhuhu?

Undyne- DON'T INTERRUPT ME (throws spear at laney but she uses her super speed to run away) h-how? no human should be able to win a-against me

Laney- you have no weapon. I have superheroes. I think we know who wins :)

Undyne- (starts melting) I WILL KILL YOU IF IT THE LAST THING I D- (dies)

Laney- .....

Larry- .....

Bucky- (filming)

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