(Lake32)(Silver19)(Spying10)(Nice Suzi8)(Lillian8)(Zane7)(McSilver5)

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Zane- hey just wanted to say when Laney and Larry go back to Peacevile I want everyone, not including Suzi) to join for until I leave

Laney- ok that's cool

Lillian- COOKIES

Everyone- (hands her cookies like usual)

Lillian- (starts counting them) Huh... I'm missing a box

Laney- hey where's Larry?

(to a mysterious place)

Larry- I've worked it out...... I've finally worked it out! I finally found the reason as to why Laney knew what we were thinking!

(he pulls down a string make a huge page filled with pictures., words and lines)

(how does one draw, ugh my handwriting sucks too)

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(how does one draw, ugh my handwriting sucks too)

Larry- it's because of that pink bow! I got it all figured out..... 10 days ago when she suspiciously disappeared from the forest, it must have for a dare! And now she's reading minds with that bow! How did I not figure this out before! Time to do the next part of the dare!

(back with everyone else)

Laney- he usually doesn't disappear like this.....

Larry- Laney.

Laney- oh there he is

(Larry was standing amongst the shadows)

Laney- what are you doing over there?

Larry- (he walks out with handcuffs)

Laney- (nervous) What are you doing Larry

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Laney- (nervous) What are you doing Larry....

Larry- I know you can mind read

Laney- whatttt, I don't know what you're talking about

Larry- and it's because of that bow, I bet Kin and Kim made it for you!

Laney- what if I just like wearing pink bows?

Larry- do you know how un-Laney that sounded

Laney- I can't mind read.... 

Larry- yes you can, now it's time for yout o pay for you sins (puts the handcuffs on Laney and drags her away)

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