(Lakebottom13)(Cookies, Dying Hair and Switching Outfits4)(Becca3) Haunted House

67 4 22

(Welp this is a bit late for Halloween but whatever)

TheDerpierSide- (standing with an innocent smile) 

Everyone- (sighs and gives her a ton of cookies)

Squirt- I'll miss you my sweet cookies (tears up) GOODBYE (hands it over)

McGee- (pats him on the back sympathetically)

TheDerpierSide- don't think I forgot about you Larry, double the cookies, remember?

Larry- I don't have any cookies on me...

Becca- (coughs while glancing at the boxes of cookies behind him)

TheDerpierSide- (glanes at what Becca's looking at and frowns) just for that, I'm taking all of these box of cookies (grabs them all and walks away)

Larry- ;-; I was saving them for Halloween

Laney- Halloween's already passed.... like more than 2 weeks ago

Larry- yeah but we're doing the Halloween dare now, so I thought... ;-;

Becca- (reads the dare and chuckles) You guys are going to have a lot of fun

Laney- what is it?

Becca- loudfanrulez43 dares you guys to go through the scariest haunted house in the world

Larry- how is that funny?

Becca- you'll see

Laney- do you guys have a scary haunted house around here?

Greatchen- I don't think we do

Sawyer- (pops out of nowhere) WE DO! (making up stuff is fun lol)

Sawyer- (pops out of nowhere) WE DO! (making up stuff is fun lol)

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McGee- WE DO?! Why didn't you tell us??

Sawyer- I didn't? It must have slipped my mind

Gretchen- -.-

Laney- are you a zombie....?

Sawyer- why yes I am

Larry- uh... can you show us where this haunted house is

Sawyer- sure

(he leads them to a random place in the Camp, where there is a very old scary looking house)

(he leads them to a random place in the Camp, where there is a very old scary looking house)

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Laney- whoa...

Larry- (gets scared) uh,,,

Laney- no time for backing out Larry, let's go (drags him tot he door)

Larry- (starts to escape but she's too strong) SAWYER!!! HELP MEEE!

Sawyer- (his head fell off) uh.... just wait a bit) (his body tries to find his head)

(Laney and Larry enter the house)

Laney- this sure is fancy for a haunted house

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Laney- this sure is fancy for a haunted house..

Larry- ok we went in, let's go back now!

Laney- I'm pretty sure the person who dared us wants us to actually explore

Larry- n-no

Laney- (drags him again)

(montage time)

(REAL spiders pop out of a door)

Laney- awww (pets a spider)

Larry- AHHHH

(transition to a loud maniacal laugh from upstairs)

Laney- sounds like Kin's laugh...

Larry- MUMMY ;-;

(transition to tree scraping against a window, looking like an actual person)

Laney- lame.

Larry- PLEASE FORGIVE ME, DON'T HURT ME (on his knees)

(after finishing exploring)

Laney- that was like any other haunted house, it was definitely not the scariest

Larry- (hugging her for dear life) yeah, so not scary (lets go) hehe...

(as they walk to the door the lights go out)

Larry- AHHHH

(footsteps can be heard)


(a hand touches Larry's shoulder)

Larry- WAHHHHHHH (tears spill from his eyes)

Laney- dude... are you crying?

Larry- n-no... LET'S GO (he grabs Laney's hand and runs with her out of the house back to everyone else in the main part of the camp)

Buttsquat- Is he... CRYING?! HA, such a loser

Larry- T_T

Becca- (pats him on the back)

Gretchen- that was quick, you guys took 1 minutes

Laney- it felt like an hour

(back at the haunted house)

(the stranger sighs)

Stranger- I only wanted to be friends ;-; (reveals themself to be...........)


Laney- cya guys!

Larry- (crying)


Stranger- Oh come on! This was supposed to be my reveal

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