(Bucky 9) (dressing up 5) McGee and Gretchen are Back

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McGee- Hi guys

Bucky- Hi

McGee- Who are you?

Bucky- Bucky

McGee- oh I'm McGee, and the one panicking is Gretchen

Gretchen- WHY ARE WE BACK??!!!

McGee- what's with the clothes Laney?


Larry- she's wearing her crush's clothes (Insert lenny smirk)

McGee- is it that Corey dude?

Laney- ANYWAY, you have a dare from amascoco

Larry- first, you two have to kiss

McGee and Gretchen- (blush) whattt

Laney- just do it

Larry- I've heard that you kissed before

McGee- o.0

Gretchen- (balls up her fist) If you-

Bucky- (pushes Gretchen and McGee into each other and they kiss)

(they both let go after a few seconds)

Gretchen and McGee- 0////0

Larry- now McGee has to kiss Laney

McGee- WHAT?!

Laney- (sighs) I'm not even gonna complain, let's just get it over and done with

(they kiss and let go after 0.0000000000000001 seconds)

Bcuky- which did you prefer?

McGee- I don't need to answer that

Larry- actually you do, it's part of the dare

McGee- oh, Gretchen then

Gretchen- ...

Laney- Yeah I don't care

McGee-... I didn't say anything

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