(Lake27)(Silver14)(Spying5)(Nice Suzi3)(Goth Suzi3) (Lillian3)(Zane2)

51 3 8

Continue title- (McSilver1)

Silver- *yay I'm gonna be important these few chapters*

Laney- yes you will be very important

Silver- ..........

Larry- .........

Lillian- Cookies everyone!

Everyone- (grumbles and hands her tonnes of cookies)

Zane- what's the dare for today?

Laney- UndertaleGandalf dared McSilver to happen for 10 chapters

McGee- McSilver?????

Larry- do you know what a ship is?

McGee- yeah, it sails on the ocean! Like this! (shows picture on his phone)

McGee- yeah, it sails on the ocean! Like this! (shows picture on his phone)

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Laney- you're just as oblivious as Corey oh my god...

Lillian- (clears throat and brings out a whiteboard which has a drawing of random pair of stick figures which are kissing for some reason)

Lillian- (clears throat and brings out a whiteboard which has a drawing of random pair of stick figures which are kissing for some reason)

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(I'm a great drawer!!!!111!!!)

McGee- '-'

Lillian- a ship is basically two people together. Meaning McSilver is you and Silver. Silver and you. This is a ship I never saw coming...

Zane- me neither...

McGee- wha-

Silver- uh...

McGee- so what do we do.....?

Silver- (shrugs) 

Laney- (cough) Kiss-

Larry- (coughs harder) go out on dates

Both- (cough even harder)

McGee- um

Silver- ....

Zane- this is really awkward...

McGee- ummm

Silver- *ok I'm done*

Laney- Yes! Speak your mind!

Silver- WILL YOU GO OUT WITh me.....

McGee- *do I have to say yes?*

Laney- yes

(everyone looks at Laney in confusion)

Larry- he wasn't asking you

Laney- oh I know I was- nevermind

McGee- uh well, sure I guess????

Silver- *yayyy*

McGee- let's go.....

(both of them walk away awkwardly)

McGee- so.... where are we going....?

Silver- (shrugs) ....

McGee- you don't talk much do you?

Silver- (shakes head)...

McGee- uh well maybe we should get to know each other....

Silver- ok...

McGee- well, do you like chips?

Silver- yeah....

McGee- me too!.....

Silver- (nods)

(with Suzi)

Alphys- u-u-u-u-u-um h-h-h-hi h-h-h-human-n-n-n-n

Alphys- u-u-u-u-u-um h-h-h-hi h-h-h-human-n-n-n-n

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Suzi- hello small lizard!!!!!!

Alphys- ....... I-I-I like y-your c-clothes...

Suzi- thank you! I just randomly found myself wearing this one day

Alphys- ah....

(back at the camp)

McGee and Silver- (come back to camp while laughing)

Gretchen- you two seemed to have fun

Silver- yeah.....

McGee- Next chapter is gonna be even better because I have a plan (insert weird evil smile)

SIlver- wait what...

Lillian- *I miss Corneyyyy ;-;*

Laney- same

Zane- *I wish there was some Larney*

Laney- no.

Larry- why are you just randomly saying things out of the blue????

Laney- I'm allowed to do whatever I like 

Larry- '-'

Laney- cy-

McGee and Silver- Cya

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