(Lake16)(Cookies, Hair, Switching Outfits7)(Becca6)(Silver3)(Sigh2)(Larney2)

50 2 13

Laney- well we have two dares to do this chapters

Larry- well that's normal. Why?

Laney- it's just this dare zankule wanted us to fuse with another dare that started last chapter

Larry- I don't remember any dare except for me and Corey getting married then divorcing

Corey- '-'

Laney- oh uh... well don't worry. The dare is that Larney has to happen for twenty chapters. And since it's already started last chapter, we're up to the second chapter of it

Larry- it started last chapter...? (sudden realisation of Laney kissing his cheek multiple times) did you get a dare last chapter I don't know a-

Laney- NO

Larry- Laney tell me-

Laney- why me (kisses his cheek)

Corey- ............. LET'S DO THE SECOND DARE, YEAH HEHEhehe....

Gretchen- (cough) someone's jealous (cough)

Corey- what

Gretchen- what


TheDerpierSide- I CAME FOR MY-

Everyone- (throws her boxes of cookies)

TheDerpierSide- that'll do (walks away)

Becca- This is a weird chapter.... and it's going to get weirder because ChatMallowFIC dares you both to do the dance of the song Gogo by BTS

Laney- didn't we have to listen to a song by BTS once?

Larry- yeah, sigh I do't want to dance...

Laney- why.. (kisses his cheek again)

Larry-  o-o

Laney- let's dance.....!!!

(they both get into position and the song plays and they start dancing)

Everyone- OoO

Becca- '-'

Silver- ...

Corey- you guys did great

Squirt- (starts singing in Korean fluently and does the dance moves) EVERYBODY-

McGee- (sings some korean)


Gretchen- MAKE IT STOP

Larry- that was interesting, right Laney?

Laney- (glares at him and kisses him on the cheek)

Larry- I need to stop saying Laney- oh no

Laney- (kisses him on the cheek)


Squirt- 안녕!

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