(Lakebottom11)(Kamehemeha3)(Cookies, Dying Hair and Switching Outfits2)(Becca1)

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(When 'Camp' just doesn't fit anymore)

TheDerpierSide- I'm here for my cookies!

Everyone- (hands her one cookie each)

TheDerpierSide- (starts eating one) Thanks!! (starts walk off while holding a bunch of cookies in her hands)

Laney- Well hello there, I'm still in Camplakebottom with random strangers, the other person who I'm supposed to be doing this book with is somewhere off in Squirt's clothes trying to learn this thing called Kamehemeha and I have blue hair. Help me.

Becca- Guess who's back :)


Becca- I'm going to stay here for another 7 chapters

Laney- you know, we should rename this book, 'Ask Laney, Larry and Becca'

Becca- I don't think Daisy will allow that

McGee- who?

Laney- This random person who appears out nowhere

Daisy- Greetings

Laney- like now

Daisy- K I'll go now, this is all filler, let's just start the dares (disappears)

Becca- but first let's transition to Larry and zankule

(transitions to larry and zankule)

Larry- (tries to put his hands together to do the kamehemeha and grunts)

zankule- (watches in silence)

Larry- (continues to try)

zankule-(continues to watch)

Larry- (continues to try)

zankule-(continues to watch)

Larry- I can't do this!!!

zankule- you can! You just need to believe in yourself, I know you can do it

Larry- thanks (continues to try)

(back to Camplakebottom)

Suzi- (whining) My hair!!! This cheap hair dye is ruining my precious hair!!!

Gretchen- nobody cares -.-

Becca- yo, so I have a dare, Laney and Squirt have to swap clothes

Laney- so now I have to wear McGee's clothes...?

Squirt- aw wearing McGee's clothes is fun

Becca- Yeah I guess (shrugs)

(after epic transformation of changing clothes)

Laney- this is so weird...

Laney- this is so weird

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