(Lake36)(Nice Suzi12)(Lillian12)(Zane11)(McSilver9)(Werewolf&Meifwa3)(Opal1)

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Continued title- (Kin&Kon1)

Lillian- Cookies!! :3

Everyone- (hands her cookies as per usual)

Zane- (reads dare from 2005Opal) I guess another person is joining us today

Laney- wait- really?

Larry- who is it?

Random stranger- Hello! I'm Opal, and I dare myself to be here for 14 days! 

Larry- Hii

Laney- I see you're a werewolf too

Opal- Yup! Howl you doing (chuckles)

Zane- oh no the puns

Lillian- this is gonna be a very punny 14 chapters, isn't it?

Opal- Yes

Gretchen- Hel-

Opal- Now I can finally be besties with Laney and Gretchen!

Laney and Gretchen- wha-

Opal- I also dare Kin and Kon to be here for a week

(distant screaming is heard)

Larry- what's that...

(it gets louder)

Laney- oh no...

Kin and Kon- AHHHHHHHHHHHH (Kin falls, and Kon falls right on top of him)

(the two quickly recover and stand up like nothing happened)

Both- LANEY!!!

(they hug)

Kin- Why did we just fall from the sky?

Laney- oh you guys got dared to stay here for a week

Kon- YAY!!!!! Now all we need is Corey ;-;

Kin- Yeah :(

(in Peaceville)

Corey-  I'm loney..... so very lonely.....

(back at the camp)

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(back at the camp)

Opal- I also dare Trina and Suzi to meet :D

McGee- but Suzi is in the Underground

Silver- (quietly) fortunately...

Lillian- Ooh I have a wonderful idea (evil smirk)

(with Suzi)

Suzi- (eating pie) Thank you Mum!!!

Toriel- No problem my child *ahh she's calling me mum ^^*

(suddenely Trina falls from the room screaming)

Trina- GAHHHHHHH (falls on the table, breaking it)

Suzi and Toriel- .....


Suzi and Toriel- ....


Suzi- that was rude

Trina- Ooh but I love your clothes!

Suzi- Thank you! I love yours too!

Trina- you are the only person I've ever met who looks nearly as fabulous as me

Suzi- I'm honoured, you do look really fabulous!

(the two start talking like they're best friends, leaving Toriel)

Toriel- ....... child?

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