(Lake24)(Silver11)(Sigh10)(Larney10)(Spying2) Fighting Santa

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Larry- why do we keep on doing holiday-related chapters, later? We're 14 days late! *I'm just gonna blame Laney.*

Laney- Hey don't blame me Larry, I'm not the one writing this

Larry- huh

Laney- *this is fun* nothing~ anyway I just realised this is the last chapter for the Larney dares!

Larry- Finally!

Silver- Yay... (looks at the dare for today is looks weirded out) .... *poor Larry*

Laney- poor Larry indeed

Silver- wait what...

Larry- (suspiciously looks at Laney and Silver) Um what

Laney- oh it's just this dare, we have to fight Santa, and you're going to be stepped on by a reindeer because loudfanrulez43 finds it funny. I'm not disagreeing though....

Larry- you guys are mean! ;-;

Gretchen- where are you guys gonna find someone to dress up as Santa anyway

Squirt- what do you mean dress up? Santa's real and is in the North Pole! Duh!

Gretchen-*time to wreck someone's dreams...*

Laney-Squirt, Santa doesn't exist.

Larry- Laney!!! Don't-

Laney- why (kisses him on the cheek)

Gretchen- hey I was gonna do that...

Larry- wait what?

Laney- (innocent smiles)


McGee- (pats him on the back) sure he does


Silver- how are we going to get there...?

Squirt- WALKING OF COURSE! Let's go! (starts skipping happily)

Gretchen- yeah I'm not going

McGee- I would go but the North Pole is really far from here...

Buttsquat- Losers! I'll show you, I can walk all the way without getting tired (starts following Squirt)

McGee- oh really? I can walk twice as far without getting tired! (starts running after them)

Silver- ...I'm staying...

Larry- *I don't want to do this* let's go Laney

Laney- me neither Larry, and I hate you (kisses him on the cheek again)

Larry- wait me neither..?

Laney- hurry up! (starts walking)

Larry- (follows her in confusion)

(after like 30 hours)

Squirt- WE'RE HERE! (not tired at all)

Squirt- WE'RE HERE! (not tired at all)

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