(20 Chapters of Bucky 14) (Jarcom1)

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Bucky- guys you're going to have some guests stay for 10 chapters?

Laney- who are they?

Bucky- Coreyriffinrulez dares Tom, Marco and Jackie stay for 10 chapters

Larry- who are they?

(suddenly a dimension portal opens up)

Marco- why are we here?

Tom- I don't know! Star said we has to come here

Jackie- something about this person called Daisy making her do this....

Laney- ....hello. I'm laney

Larry- Larry

Bucky- I'm bucky

Marco- Hey I'm Marco

Tom- Tom

Jackie- Cool, I'm Jackie

Bucky- you guys have to stay for 10 chapters

jarcom- chapters....?

Laney- we'll explain it to you later

Larry- cya!

Marco- i'm scared ;-;

Tom- .... meh

Jackie- (starts skateboarding)

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