(20 chapters of Bucky 2) (onsie 1)

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Bucky- you guys have a dare from ppgandrrblover124

Laney- what is it?

Bucky-you guys have to wear onesies for 10 chapters and you have to change them each chapter

Larry- oh.... fun

Bucky- now go get changed

Both- fine.

(after a few minutes they come back in onsies)

laney- this is the only one I had... 0///0

Bucky- whoa

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Bucky- whoa... (keeps staring)

Laney- hehe....

larry- I am a minion haha

larry- I am a minion haha

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bucky- whoa cool

Laney- well that's all I guess.... I really need to get a new onsie

bucky- (keeps staring)

Larry- haha cya!

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