(Lake33)(Silver20)(Nice Suzi9)(Lillian9)(Zane8)(McSilver6) 1 Chip Challenge

42 2 15



Larry- That is not how we rehearsed it

Laney- but it's true

Larry- well at least you've stopped reading everyone's minds

Laney- I actually kinda miss it... It was funny seeing you think about your future wedding with Carrie.

Larry- WHA- I mean moving along...

 Lillian- time for cookies!

Everyone- (hands her cookies)

Lillian- (starts eating one)

Zane- (notices a cookie next to her and smirks)

Lillian- (munching away happily)

Zane- (slowly steals the cookie without anyone noticing and smiles)

Lillian- my cookie senses are tingling..... SOMEONE STOLE MY COOKIE

Zane- uh- it was McSilver!

(Everyone turns to see both of the eating cookies)

Lillian- Oh (suddenly becomes mad) MY COOKIESSSSSS :(

Zane- (relieved he wasn't caught) So, what's the dare for today?

Laney- loudfanrulez43 dared us to the... one chip challenge???

Larry- What's that???

Zane- it's where you have to eat one Paqui Carolina Chip while being filmed

Larry- oh that doesn't sound too bad

Zane- it's also made out of the world's hottest pepper

Laney- you just had to jinx it...

Lillian- BRING IT OUT!

(random campers come in holding a silver plate, with two chips on it, and two cups of milk)

(random campers come in holding a silver plate, with two chips on it, and two cups of milk)

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Laney- what's with the milk?

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Laney- what's with the milk?

Zane- you're gonna need it

Larry- uh... we can't do it... BECAUSE THERE'S NO ONE HERE TO FILM IT- yeah that sounds reasonable

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