(Lake38)(Lillian14)(Werewolf&Meifwa5)(Opal3)(Kin&Kon3) Scaring People

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Lillian- (Still salty from last chapter) I can't believe Zane took all my cookies

Kon- I can't believe he didn't share ;-;

Lillian- I'll get my revenge soon (evilly smirks)

Laney- should we be concerned?

Lillian- Nope! Now COOKIES

Everyone- (gives her cookies)

Opal- what's the dare for today?

Larry- we have to-

Laney- (whispers to him)

Larry- -go now! 

Laney- goodbye

(they both quickly run off)

Opal- what was that all about?

Lillian- Nothing hehe

Gretchen- what do we do now then?

Squirt and Kon- IT'S TIME FOR THE FILLER!!!!!

(insert start of filler)

McGee- (still sad about Suzi being gone)

Gretchen- are you ok?

McGee- yes, but why am I so sad :(

Gretchen- it's okay, you'll get over it soon, just remember, you wouldn't have been able to see her ever again anyway because of that other dare where she had to spend the rest of her life in the underground 

McGee-............ thank you for the great pep talk

Gretchen- is the filler finally over?

Kon- wait. WHERE'S KIN??!!

(with Laney and Larry)

Kin- why did you two drag me away during the filler?

Laney- we need you to make us very realistic models of a meifwa and werewolf to scare everyone

Kin- oh that's easy! (takes out a ray and shoots it at the two of them making Larry look like and actual cat and Laney look like an actual werewolf)

Larry- whoa...

Larry- whoa

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Laney- wow...

Larry- this is amazing!

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Larry- this is amazing!

Laney- but why did you already have an invention ready for this

Kin- oh Laney, I'm always ready

Laney and Larry- ....

(back at the camp)

Opal- and then I said, you've got to be, KITTEN me (laughs)

Lillian- the puns.... make it stop! 

Laney and Larry- (casually walk in)

Everyone- is.....

Kon- Aww it's a cat

Squirt- aww


Laney- we also have Kin as our hostage 

Kin- Hii


Everyone- AHHHHHHHH (runs away)

Lillian- great job guys

Kin- was this your dare?

Lillian- yup

Larry- can you change us back now?

Kin- (nervous) About that...

Laney- ..... you didn't...

Kin- I haven't figured out a way to reverse it yet...

Larry- .....

Laney- I AM GOING TO KILL YOU (chases him)

Kin- AHHHH (runs away)

Larry- I don't want to be a cat for the rest of my life ;-;

Lillian- it's okay, author powers will change you back next chapter

Larry- what

Lillian- what

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