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Well, hello.

If you're here, I'm guessing you read Deep Red and wanted to see what happens to Yasmine from where we left off in Deep Red. There will be a disclaimer further down in this note because you know. But I hope you enjoyed Deep Red and I hope you enjoy this book. More so, I hope you like Yasmine as a character and follow her journey. Thank you for reading, I genuinely appreciate it. 

Just a little note; I did start this a long time after Deep Red, so layout-wise, things will be a little different and the writing may be a tad bit different, but I hope that is fine. I think that was it. You can now proceed to the actual story.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Teen Wolf, any of the characters from the show or the storylines. The story, storyline and anything else related to the show Teen Wolf belongs to MTV and Jeff Davis. I only own Yasmine McCall, her storyline and her own dialogues. I do not own the gifs either.

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