𝟎𝟕. 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧

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full moon


Stiles and Yasmine had finally been released by Satan himself, also know as Mr. Harris, and were allowed to leave school premises. Gathering up all their stuff, Mr. Harris handed them their phones and made it very clear that he was tired of looking at them and he wanted them to leave as soon as humanly possible.

Once they had all their stuff and their phones, they walked out the classroom. A silence had formed between the two as they headed for the exit. Stiles opened his mouth to ask Yasmine what she had been dreaming of earlier, but immediately his phone began ringing loudly.

Yasmine turned on her own phone, which had been in Mr. Harris' custody, and saw that she herself had plenty of messages and missed calls from Allison, but just as she was about to answer her, the brunette heard Stiles say her name and she refrained from answering Allison, since Stiles was already in contact with her.

"Hey, sorry. Harris literally just let Yasmine and I out of detention." Stiles struggled to put on his backpack as he and Yasmine rushed out of the school and headed for his beloved blue Jeep. "Literally. And he had our phones the whole frickin' time."

"Well that explains why Yasmine wasn't answering either, but we need to something right now." Yasmine could hear Allison's soft voice. "They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter and then they sent this guy out."

Yasmine's eyes widened and she snatched Stiles' phone from his hands, putting it on speaker. "Wait, what guy?" She questioned.

"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy."

Stiles' eyes found Yasmine's, the two sharing a look of concern. "They're sending him to the station for Isaac."

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um... like a carving or something."

"What was it?" The two best friends asked at the same time.

"Hold on, hold on. It's in one of these books." Yasmine could hear Allison flipping pages. She ran a hand through her wavy hair and began tapping her fingers on the Jeep, ignoring how Stiles was looking at her. "I'm taking a picture."

The phone blipped and Stiles tapped the message from Allison. As the picture loaded, Yasmine looked up to see Stiles looking right back at her. They both had the same expression on their faces.

"Did you get it?"

"Yeah, wolfsbane." Yasmine sighed.

Allison sighed from her end of the line. "What does that mean?"

Stiles and Yasmine both knew what it meant, after all, they had seen it before. Yasmine did not have the nerve to say it out loud, leaving Stiles to do it. "It means they're gonna kill him."


Stiles and Yasmine were seated in his baby blue Jeep, the two headed for the station. After the phone call with Allison, they had simply gotten in the car and taken off.

"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier," Yasmine finally broke the silence in the car.

Stiles quickly looked at her with furrowed eyebrows before returning his gaze to the dark road. "Huh?"

Yasmine sighed once again, nibbling nervously on her lower lip while she played with her hair. "Back in the classroom, when I woke up. I'm sorry for scaring you."

"You didn't scare me," Stiles lied, but received a look from Yasmine. "Okay, fine, you did. It is your first full moon since Peter did what he did to you and unlike Scott, you're not freaking out." His voice progressively got louder. "Scott tried to murder us but you're calm. You're not turning."

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