𝟏𝟓. 𝐥𝐲𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝

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lydia protection squad


After Stiles nearly shot my brother in the face in the arrow, we quickly made to make a plan and unfortunately for me, it included both Jackson and Lydia. Stiles went to the library to find Lydia, Allison went to Ms. Morrell to get some answers regarding the bestiary (Ms. Morrell was apparently quite knowledgeable) and Scott went to speak with Derek, hoping he could somehow talk Derek out of killing Lydia.

I went home.

See, the four of us had a feeling that Derek would not listen to us and still try to kill Lydia, so we came up with a plan. Stiles, Allison and even Jackson were going to locate Lydia and bring her here to mine and Scott's house under the pretense that we would be studying together, all while Scott was distracting Derek and keeping him from killing Lydia.

Once I made it home, I made sure to close any doors to rooms I did not want anyone snooping in, I made sure all the windows were closed and anything with sentimental value to my mom was hidden. Luckily for us, my mom was working a late shift.

I had just made it up to my bedroom, when I got a text from Allison. She had informed me that her, Stiles and Jackson had Lydia and were bringing her here, having told her we were doing a little study group. Putting down my backpack by my desk, I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. My hair was hanging down, draping over my shoulders. I had a small pimple near my hairline and one more near my eyebrow, but nothing major. Lucky for me, my concealer was still holding up and covered my dark circles.

The sound of brakes being slammed on made its way to my ear and I rushed over to my window, only to see Stiles' Jeep. Stiles and Allison jumped out first, then Jackson and Lydia. While talking towards the door, I saw Stiles' eyes immediately look up at my window and widen, when he saw me standing there. I waved and he stopped in his tracks, shooting me a small smile, waving at me. Noticing how the others had stopped in front of my front door, Stiles pointed to my front door and I nodded, silently communicating that it was unlocked. He shot me a thumbs up and broke his gaze with me as he rushed towards the front door and pushed it open.

I took a moment to myself, just assuring myself everything was going to be okay before I walked out of my bedroom and headed for the stairs. Upon making it to the stairs, my eyebrows furrowed when I heard locks and I walked down to see Stiles locking every single lock we had on our front door.

"Uh.." Stiles stammered once he turned around and saw that all of us were staring at him, curious looks on all of our faces. "There's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood."

"Uh huh," I nodded slowly, pointing at Stiles, I pursed lips and titled my head to the side. He grabbed a chair and positioned it under the handle, once again realizing that everyone was staring at him. "And a murder," I said sarcastically exclaimed, hearing Stiles say the exact same thing. I could sense eyes on me and finally looked over to meet Allison's eyes, the brunette smirking at me.

Lydia said nothing for a second, then suddenly her green eyes found mine and she arched a brow. "Why is she here?" Her manicured finger was pointing directly at me.

I had to stop myself from physically letting my jaw drop as I raised both my brows, my lips parted in confusion. "Girl, do you have negative brain cells?" I asked sarcastially and shook my head, peering around to see Jackson, Allison and Stiles all staring at me. "I live here."

An awkward tension developed after that. Stiles was awkwardly letting his eyes drift between Lydia and I, the strawberry blonde girl, who used to be my best friend, was blankly staring at the door, tapping her nails on her arm impatiently. I saw Allison shoot Jackson a look after which I could hear him sigh annoyed.

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