𝟑𝟗. 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"Why is it always me?" I shakily commented as the half-turned Kanima kept its eyes on me. To my surprise, he had made no moves to advance towards me and so I had started taking very small steps towards my brother, who was anxiously watching me with wide eyes. "It's always me, it's always me," I muttered panicked, keeping my eyes trained on the half-turned Kanima as I tried to move as slowly and non-threatening as possible.

I had been hoping that Derek had not gotten seriously hurt, but he was also an Alpha and I knew his body could probably handle it. Now if the Kanima did the same to me? Girl, I would be seeing the gates of hell in an instant.

The second I was remotely close to my brother, he grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me behind him, hiding me behind his body acting as a shield. The half-turned Kanima was still staring at me and I found myself holding onto Scott's arm as I peeked out, staring back at the creature. Honestly, I was rather surprised that he had not made any moves to hurt me but I assumed it signified Gerard not wanting me dead just yet.

"Well done to the last, Scott," Gerard's harsh voice broke the silence in the dark warehouse, all of us staring at the older Argent, the man advancing towards us with determined steps. "Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me."

Out of nowhere, an arrow soared through the air and Scott managed to pull me down with him as the arrow flew past us. Hearing a groan, I whipped my head back only to see Isaac lying on the ground with an arrow lodged in his right shoulder, the beta weeping in pain.

I turned my head immediately and saw a quite familiar figure hiding behind the wall again, acting like Gerard's personal guard dog. "Allison?" I dead-panned annoyed, while Scott had said the same name, though with more hysteria in his tone.

Her presence did not surprise me nor did it caught me off guard, but her recent determination to continuously hurt the betas was starting to get on my nerves. Allison was one of my closest friends and I wanted to be able to sit down with her and understand what was going on in her head, but the brunette had kept her distance and apparently turned against us, so now it was merely game on.

There was no way I was allowing her to hurt my friends.

Muttering a string of curse words underneath my breath, I whirled around and rushed over to Isaac, dropping to my knees next to him as I clutched onto the arrow, keeping it steady so the arrowhead would not move inside his shoulder, which would only cause him more agony. Scott seemed to have the same idea and came rushing towards us, but as I kept the arrow still, Scott grabbed onto his arm and commenced dragging him away.

"Stop, stop, stop," I said to Scott as we tried to drag Isaac away, both boys now glancing at me as we came to a halt. "Isaac, can you walk?"

"Get up," Scott and I encouraged Isaac as he got onto his feet. I let go of the arrow and instead wrapped my arm around his torso as Scott and I lead him away from the violence behind us.

Gunshots could be heard echoing through the building and I was in no way doubting that Argent was probably firing shot after shot at the Kanima, also since I could hear the all-too-familiar screech from the Kanima.

Isaac had spared no time in majorly pissing me off when he first turned at the hands of Derek. That boy had taken every chance to flaunt his new werewolf skills and abilities, act like a cocky asshole, and just be a straight pain in the ass. But somehow over the past few days, he seemed to have seriously grounded himself especially since he and Scott appeared to have been spending plenty of time together. It assured me that whatever he was going through when he first turned might just have been a new surge of power and arrogance. Besides that, I had also learned what Isaac had truly been going through before he met Derek and that alone had more than assured me that for someone like Isaac, the bite truly was a blessing.

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