𝟏𝟖. '𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲'

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'know thy enemy'


"Stiles! McCall! I'm gonna kill you!"

Let us just say Stiles' genius and not-so-legal plan turned out to be the furthest thing from what I had expected and that is how we ended up in this situation. When Stiles said he had a plan that included breaking the law, I expected something... less illegal than the situation we were currently in. Note throughout the years I had known Stiles, he had come up with a crazy amount of dumb plans such as hiding in trunk of his dad's car for an hour because he wanted to go to crime scene at the age of ten. He had made worse plans than that and I knew his plans could be slightly outrageous at times, but this was fucking insane.

Stiles had said he had a plan and that was basically it. He drove somewhere and jumped out of the car after which Scott got in the driver's seat and began driving. I wondered where Stiles was, but even I could figure that this was part of Stiles' brilliant plan and so I climbed onto the passenger seat, letting Jackson rest on the backseat. Scott drove through the Preserve and I opened my mouth several times to speak, but I knew I would get no answers and instead I slumped back in my seat the whole ride.

An hour later and we were now stood far back in Preserve, looking out on Beacon County as the sun rose behind the dark clouds. It was almost morning and we had spent a majority of our night making sure Danny was okay and taking care of an unconscious Jackson. A prisoner transport van was parked behind us and Jackson was shackled inside, not able to escape even if he turned. See this was Stiles' master plan. Stuff Jackson into a prisoner transport van, chain him up and park the van towards the very back of the Preserve where nobody would see it.

Based on his yelling and screaming, his loud grunts and his attempts to break free of the chain, well I would guess Jackson had finally woken up and realized he had basically been kidnapped by the three of us.

Sister of a teen wolf? Check. Heightened senses but not a werewolf? Check. Hopelessly crushing on her best friend but keeping to it herself because he liked someone else? Check. Now I could successfully add kidnapper to that list.

I was absolutely knackered and I could feel my limps almost dragging my entire body down as I stood against the tree, struggling to keep my eyes open. Upon hearing Jackson, I peered over to see Scott and Stiles both staring at me, then at each other. "He is going to murder us when he gets out of there." I informed the two, sounding pretty monotone as I flicked the strand of hair away from my face only for to swing back just seconds later.

God, I could just about hear my comfortable, warm and safe bed calling my name. A few hours sleep while tangled up in my warm duvet sounded pretty fucking amazing right now and I swear it took almost every ounce of willpower in me not to turn around, steal the Jeep, drive home and jump straight into my bed. I was a simple girl; I loved eating and sleeping. I could do both for an extensive amount of time and never get tired of it.

Since it was morning, we had to split up. Stiles drove Scott and I home, then drove home himself. Scott had filled Allison in about the situation, informing her that we had technically kidnapped Jackson and were keeping him hostage. All of us could not stay to guard the van where we were keeping Jackson, so we had to play it smart. Scott and Allison were going to go to school, primarily because Scott could not afford to miss anymore school and because Allison's family would know if she was not present at school and most likely seek out to find her.

Stiles and I both had pretty good attendance but our grades were also pretty good and that allowed us to stay away without it affecting us too much; unfortunately that was not the case for Scott. We also knew that if both Allison and Scott were missing, then her family would assume they were together and plot to murder my dear brother. Just as Stiles dropped us off, he promised Scott that he would keep him updated, then told me to text him later. It was early morning, like pretty early, so that gave us some time to get some sleep.

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