𝟏𝟔. 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢

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mission armani


The last place I ever thought I would be was in a gay club with my brother and my best friend, who also just happened the guy I had a huge crush on, yet here I was.

Let me explain.

After Jackson AKA the Kanima had taken off, we knew we had to do something. Every single time the Kanima had made an appearance, it had either killed someone or very much tried to kill someone. As much as I just wanted to go back into my bedroom and sleep, I knew I had to help locate and stop Jackson otherwise I would never stop feeling guilty.

Lydia was in shock, so we had to get her out of there and get Allison home before everything went south - well, even more south than it already had. Allison's car was back at the school, so while Stiles drove Lydia and Allison back to the school,  I quickly cleaned up the mess in our house, so our mom would not be left shocked when she returned home from a long work day to see her house busted up with broken lamps on the floor and Kanima venom on the windows. Derek had chased after the Kanima and Scott had followed behind, while Boyd left with Isaac and Erica.

Once Stiles came back to my house, I jumped into the busted, blue Jeep and we took off looking for Scott, who had his 'find my friends' app turned on, so we could track him. We had caught up with him on the way and I had taken a seat in the back while Scott sat upfront, his head stuck outside the window as he traced Derek using his scent. We made it to a more remote area of Beacon Hills and before I knew it, Scott had left the Jeep and jumped over the huge fence we were currently parked in front of.

"Hey Yas, about earlier..." Stiles trailed off as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, his gaze purposely avoiding me.

I swallowed thickly and leaned back, running a hand nervously though my hair. "Stiles, I don't want you to think I was, you know, trying t-"

"No, it's okay. It was a mistake anyways."

My stomach dropped and I swear I could hear my heart breaking as my lips parted and my entire mood soured. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach - that is how much it hurt.

Stiles must have seen my reflection in the review mirror and spun around in his seat, his eyes widened and his face pale. "Oh no, Yasmine, that's not what I meant."

I shrugged and avoided looking at him, instead picking at the sleeve of my denim jacket. "It's fine, whatever."

His warm hand grasped a hold of mine, intertwining our fingers. "Hey, Yas, please look at me." When I did not obey, he gently tilted my chin up with his finger. My sad eyes made eye contact with his dreamy light brown eyes, because even when I was sad, I could not deny how amazing his eyes were. "I don't regret what I did. I regret the timing. I-I should've waited until later."

The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach as I continued to gaze into his eyes, his one hand still gently holding my face as his other hand continued to softly caress my hand. It felt like heaven and everything in me was screaming to lean in, to make a move. I watched as his eyes slowly made their way down my face and landed on my lips, his gaze drifting between my eyes and lips, just like before. I was absolutely speechless and every nerve in my body was on high alert as his hand left go off my face, instead delicately tucking my hair behind my ear.

God I wanted to kiss him.

Stiles began leaning in again and it felt as if time has stopped as my heart skipped a beat. His eyes were staring back into mine and as he kept moving closer, I could sense my eyes wanting to flutter shut. The tension within the Jeep was thick and well, it was hot as hell in here; or at least it felt that way.  My heart was pounding in my chest and I could smell the faint cologne Stiles was wearing, which in itself made me want to just bury my head in his chest.

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