𝟏𝟗. 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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snake escape


Not long after, we had split up once again. Scott and Allison were going to keep an eye on Jackson, while I went to go deliver some dinner to my mom and Stiles went to Lydia's place to talk with her. According to both Stiles and Allison, she was upset with Stiles for never returning the night of the lacrosse game, the same night Stiles, Derek and I were held captive by the Kanima. Something in me did not like that he went to talk with her and try to make up with her, but I understood why he was doing it and I knew that if I had been in the same situation as Lydia, then I would also be relatively upset. The poor girl had been crying in her car alone and although we had some bad blood between us, no girl deserved to sit alone in her car and sob. Even someone as malicious as Lydia Martin deserved a shoulder to cry on and was worthy of someone comforting her when she needed it.

Stiles pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and turned off the engine, peering over at me. "I'll be back to pick you up soon. I'll text you."

I nodded and cleared my throat, holding onto the salad I had bought for my mom on the way here. "Sure, just text me." I shot him a small smile and went to open the door. Jumping out of the car, I was about to close the door. "And Stiles?" The pale boy gazed over at me, his eyebrows arched as his hazel irises bored into my figure. "Make sure Lydia's okay." I stated and smiled, closing the door to the Jeep. I stepped onto the pavement and watched as Stiles looked deep in thought, his eyes still focused on the passenger side door, where I had just been standing.

As I spun around on my heels and began walking towards the entrance of the Beacon Hills Memorial, I heard a car speed off and glanced back to see the blue Jeep speeding out of the parking lot. I tucked my hair behind my ear and stepped into the hospital, making sure I did not bump into someone. Stepping up to the reception, I smiled at the nurse sitting there. "Hey Norma, do you know where my mom is?"

"I'll page her," the nurse named Norma smiled sweetly at me. "You can just take a seat and she'll be right out."

I followed her directions and took a seat in the waiting area, crossing my leg over the other as I leaned back in the chair, placing the salad on my lap. A few minutes passed and suddenly I spotted the familiar black curls. "Mom," I called as she looked around. Hearing my voice, she spun around and her eyes locked on me, a smile on her face as she walked towards me. "Hey mom," I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, holding onto the salad.

Melissa pulled back with a huge beam on her face, her deep brown eyes staring into mine. "Hi baby, what are you doing here?" Her eyebrows pulled together.

I held the salad out in front of me, watching as her smile widened and she gently grabbed the salad container. "I figured you'd had a pretty stressful day and hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I thought I'd swing by with a taco salad."

Melissa had a broad grin on her and her eyes were just about shining, she looked so happy. "You're so sweet, Yasmine." She leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead, my eyes fluttering shut as she did. "Thank you so much."

I smirked and playfully poked her nose. "Only the best for the best mom." Her grin faltered and I watched as her gaze reverted to the ground, my mom now seeming a little sad. "Mom, what's wrong?" I worriedly questioned, my lips dropped to frown as I tried to get my mom to look at me.

"Yasmine, what is going on with Scott?" She finally lifted her head to peer at me and it broke my heart to see how upset she seemed. Her eyes were teary, her chin was just about trembling and there was a frown on her lips. "I just don't understand and I don't know if I'm not doing enough or if h-"

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