𝟏𝟐. '𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐠'

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'you wet dog'


The plan had been made and so after school, Scott had stayed at the school since he was playing later tonight and therefore had to stay for a team meeting. Stiles was not playing tonight, so I agreed to give him a ride home. The drive itself had been a tad bit awkward with none of saying anything, while I drove him home.

Stiles had flashed me a quick smile before he rushed out of my car, just about tripping on his way. I had suppressed a laugh and Stiles had awkwardly chuckled, pointing down at his shoes, shrugging as if they were to blame for his clumsiness. He had then tried to explain how his shoelace had been undone, given up halfway through his very hyperactive explanation and then rushed into his house, waving one last time before he walked in and slammed the door behind him.

Finally back at home, I walked through the door and threw my keys on the table, shrugging off my jacket and placing my backpack on the table. I was so tired and all I yearned for was a day off, where I could just sleep in and maybe spend my entire day binge-watching Netflix and stuffing my face with snacks.

"Yasmine?" Melissa called out, peaking her head out from the kitchen. I lifted my hand in a little wave and she came walking out from the kitchen in scrubs. I furrowed my brows and gave her a weird look. Before I could say anything, she spoke again. "I know, I know. But they called me in. I'm sorry, baby."

I shook my head reassuringly and placed a hand on my mom's shoulder, looking into her eyes that were just as dark as my own. "Mom, it's okay. Scott'll understand."

What I did not say was I was actually really happy that she would not be able to come. We had a plan for tonight and it was safer for my mom and us, if she merely was not there.

Melissa heaved out a relieved sigh. "Are you sure, Yas?" She questioned, raising her brows.

"Mom," I lowered my head and made my eye contact with my dear mom. "Scott and I know how hard you work to provide for us. We will always understand." I insisted.

Melissa grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around my mom, burying my head in her curly, black hair. "Thank you, baby. I love you." She muttered lowly into my ear.

I carefully tightened my grip and breathed deeply, allowing the air to fill my lungs. "I love you so much more." I kissed her cheek.

Soon thereafter my mom left after giving me some money for dinner and I realized that I had about an hour before I had to pick up Stiles. I chose to take a quick shower and threw on the same jeans from earlier, but a thicker beige sweater. I blow-dried my hair and let it fall in its natural wavy state, deciding to let it be down rather than up. Dabbing some concealer under my eyes to cover the dark circles, I ran some brown eyebrow mascara through my brows and curled my curls, then applied a light layer of mascara.

Last steps were applying a quick coat of nude gloss to my lips and putting in some gold earrings that matched my golden nameplate necklace, which Scott and my mom gifted me on sixteenth birthday.

STILES: yas are u on ur way

I thumbed out a quick to Stiles and snatched my black, mini backpack from the chair. Making sure I had everything from my bedroom, I ran down the stairs and over to my school backpack. I grabbed a few things and threw them in my bag, then slid the keys off the table and headed out the door, once again making sure all the the windows were closed.

"Okay, find Allison and keep an eye on here. Got it." Stiles mumbled to himself as we made our way onto the field. We had just arrived at the school and had immediately made our way to the field, where the lacrosse game had already begun.

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