𝟐𝟒. 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚

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half jackson, half kanima


To say I hate it here would be an understatement.

I had really hoped that Mr. Harris would not be the biggest douchebag known to mankind and let us leave semi-early yet here we were, stuck in the library long after everyone else had left. Classes had obviously ended a while ago and I did not doubt that we were some of the only people left on the school premise, where we were to stay until we had finished the ridiculous assigned by the Devil himself.

I had sighed and reluctantly dragged myself up from my seat. Allison had approached Stiles and I as we were about to pick a cart filled with books, but as she walked towards us, the door to the library had opened and Scott walked in. Frankly, he looked insanely freaked out as he walked in, peering around in confusion.

"Where's Mr. Harris?"

"He dipped," I scoffed and placed my hands on a cart as I pushed it forward towards Stiles. "We have to reshelve all these books before we can leave."

Scott nodded and walked along with Stiles, Allison and I as we made our way through the many bookshelves. There was a silence between us and it was obvious that all of us wanted to speak up yet none of us did. Allison kept peeking at Scott but he kept his gaze focused on the cart as he pushed it forward. Stiles and I were exchanging glances, the two of us silently debating who was going to ask Scott about his visit to the principal's office.

"So, what did the principal want?" I casually questioned as I placed a book on the shelf, ignoring the eyes on me. "You in trouble?"

Scott cleared his throat. "I'll tell you guys later," he awkwardly dismissed turning into a new aisle. "What did you guys find about from Erica?"

Stiles and I exchanged sad glances, both of us not knowing how to feel about this situation. I knew Stiles pretty well and I could see the sympathy swirling around in his divine eyes, his teeth nimbling on his lip. No matter how shit of a personality a person had, it was never fun to find out that they had experienced something as severe and traumatizing as Jackson had.

"We discovered that Jackson's parents got into a fatal car crash on June 14th, 1995." I explained to both Allison and Scott, who gazed between Stiles and I as we were walking on each side of the cart while Scott and Allison walked beside one another.

Stiles sighed. "It means he was born after his mom died by C-section," he explained to Scott and Allison, though his eyes were firmly locked on me as I stood leaning a bookshelf. "They had to pull him out of her dead body."

Allison grimaced. "So, was it an accident or not?"

Stiles shrugged, his eyes breaking contact with mine as he peered at the brunette. "The word all over the report is 'inconclusive'."

Scott's eyes widened and he leaned in, his dark brown pupils slightly dilated as he looked between the three of us. "Then his parents could have been murdered?"

I sadly nodded, adjusting my nose piercing. "If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth." I said and let out a sigh, not wanting to believe it.

"It would make sense, you know? It seeks out and kills murderers." Stiles theorized.

Allison's eyebrows pulled together as she looked downright confused, her eyes drifting over to meet mine. "But for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?"

I adjusted my sweater, a defeated expression on my face. "Either way, he's unknowingly killing people and we have to stop him."

Scott tried to shimmy past the cart, past me. "We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." He managed to get past me and immediately headed out towards the main aisle, probably going to look for Jackson.

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