𝟎𝟔. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭

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Silence. The silence was deafening but it did not stay silent for long. Scott McCall was on the ground in the Preserve, sitting over his sister's body, shaking her shoulders desperately as he cried. His cries turned into howls and as his emotions took over, he let out a loud howl before he fell onto her, his head on her stomach as he sobbed.

Stiles Stilinski's eyes were blank. The boy had been staring at Yasmine McCall and as Scott howled, all energy left his body and he dropped to his knees. Tears were streaming down his face and he could not utter a single word as he watched his best friend cry onto his sister's body. That girl was his childhood friend. He had known her just as long as he had known Scott. Anytime Stiles needed someone, Yasmine had always been there, no questions asked.

Allison Argent could not believe her eyes. The young woman had not notice herself stepping back and was taken aback, when her father grabbed onto her arms. As he spun around her, his heart broke. His young daughter had tears streaming down her face, her eyes widened and her hand firmly clasped over her mouth. With no hesitation, Chris Argent pulled Allison into a tight hug and felt her cry into his chest, her hands gripping onto his jacket.

Derek Hale was shocked. Standing there, feeling the power surge through his veins, he could not believe his eyes. He had to admit, she made being around Stiles tolerable. Despite being sassy, she always stood up for what was right and even when she was under pressure, she stood her ground. He had witnessed that himself regarding Peter.

Scott McCall was broken. He felt as if his heart had been brutally ripped out of his body, as if his entire world had collapsed. There was absolutely no way he could ever live without Yasmine. She was his sister, his better half, his confidant, his everything. Ever since birth, the two McCall twins had been inseparable. They had done everything together always. He could not live without her. His life was meaningless without Yasmine.

Pulling back, Scott admired his sister, silent tears falling down his cheek. Her hair was spread on the ground, leaves tangled up in it. Her tan skin was pale and dirty. Her white dress was stained red. The usual glow in her skin had disappeared and as she laid there, her skin was pale and lifeless.

Everyone stared at Scott, keeping an eye on him. In that very moment, it did not matter that an Alpha and a hunter were at the same place. They all were in this together. They were mourning. Peter Hale and Kate Argent had both provoked each other enough to basically have dug their own graves, but Yasmine was innocent.

Yasmine McCall was special and they were all knew it. The girl was nothing like Peter and Kate; not in a million years. She was loving, kind, friendly, stunning and a stand-up type of friend. The brunette was always there when someone needed her, regardless of who they were. Despite having a permanent bitch face, the brunette had the most beautiful smile that could light up any room and her laugh was by far the most contagious and joyous. Her dark brown eyes were always full of life and light. Her skin had a lively glow, which spoke to how much she loved life. Her brown hair was always pulled up, showing off her features or hanging down her shoulders, shaping her face, always enhancing just how absolutely gorgeous the young girl was.

Stiles placed a hand on Scott's shoulder and without looking back, Scott reached up and patted Stiles' hand. In a time like this, they needed each other. They always needed each other, but usually they always had Yasmine to have their backs; now they did not.

Derek glanced around, his eyebrows pulled together. His eyes began looking around, first at Kate's dead body and then over at Peter's corpse. Then it struck him.

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