𝟑𝟐. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝

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shots fired


"Yasmine? Yasmine?! Yasmine, wake up!"

A sigh echoed in the room around me as I felt myself come back to consciousness, my head pounding as I felt my body being shaken as if someone was trying to get me to regain consciousness fast.

"He hit her with the gun," a familiar gruff voice told whoever had their hands on me.

Pressure was applied to my temple as I groaned, pain shooting through my head as I stared into the darkness, everything muffed as I let out a small groan, hearing surprised intakes around me. Once again, my body was shaken roughly and I hissed painfully as my head pounded and my ears continued to ring loudly, everything feeling foreign to me. I could sense the hands on my shoulders desperately clinging onto me as they shook me, obviously attempting to wake me up. Slowly but steadily, my hand shot up to my head and brushed the spot, which was hurting like a bitch, as I tried to open my eyes.

"Sour Wolf? What the hell are you doing here," I croaked hoarsely as I blinked my eyes open, hissing at the sharp light which was beaming down on me, although Derek was blocking most of it as his face was several inches above mine, his hazel eyes worriedly focused on my face. "What is going on?" I questioned as I scrutinized the room with squinted eyes, realizing I was outside the holding cells, laying on the floor.

Derek placed his hands on my back and hoisted me up as I hissed and cursed painfully, lowering my hand from my temple only to see blood on my hand. "Matt is here," Derek reminded me and his eyes suddenly darted to something behind me before he glanced back at me, a hint of urgency in his pupils as he made eye contact with me. "According to the Sheriff, he knocked you out with the gun and forced Scott and Stiles to go with him."

Whipping my head around, I saw the Sheriff sitting on the bench, handcuffed as his eyes were locked on me, a worried expression on my face. "Oh, my God," I suddenly realized as I turned to face Derek with raised eyebrows and widened eyes. "My mom, s-she's on her way here," I stressed to Derek, who understood immediately.

"I'm gonna find Scott and Stiles," Derek declared dominantly as he gave me a pointed look. "Stay here and make sure the Sheriff is okay," he lowered his voice, so Sheriff Stilinski could not hear us, although I was sure he was trying his hardest to overhear our hushed conversation. "Jackson might be here."

My eyes widened as reality set in and I came to terms with how bad this situation was. Matt had us trapped in the Sheriff's Station, where all the evidence against him was located. He most likely had Jackson roaming the hallway, making sure the path was clear, which indicated anyone current in the building was in grave danger.

We were screwed.

"Derek, don't," I grabbed onto his bicep as he made a move to stand up, his eyes widened as he was dragged back down, his eyes staring directly into mine as I exhaled deeply. "You could get hurt if Jackson's out there. He'll kill you if he sees you," I warned him, his hazel eyes softening as he sighed deeply, a sparkle in his eyes as he finally broke eye contact with me, his eyes now staring at my hand on his arm. I felt myself leaning my head as I kept my gaze on Derek, nibbling on my lower lip nervously.

The Alpha was still for a second, then he raised his head slowly, his eyes searching for mine as I darted over to meet his eyes, our gaze meeting. The eyes were indeed the window to the soul and I felt my heart softening when I saw the emotions swirling around in his hazel irises.

Derek always pretended to be heartless and he was always willing to seem like the bad guy, but I knew deep down he was nothing of the sorts. The truth was, he was one of the most loyal and caring people I had ever met, even if he refused to express it.

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