𝟐𝟕. 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞

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raving - beacon hills style


I had not meant to eavesdrop yet at the same time I had. The second I had witnessed Allison approach Scott, I had decided within myself that I would listen in on the first few seconds of their conversation. If their conversation sounded like it had absolutely nothing to do with the current situation at hand which meant it involved nobody but the two, then I would immediately stop eavesdropping. But did it occur that their conversation happened to be regarding our current situation, well then I would almost be obligated to listen in also to make sure neither my brother nor Allison said something they would regret later.

Unfortunately, I had been right and their conversation had been about the situation. Scott sounded annoyed that he was not in loop regarding Allison's family knowing about Jackson and also annoyed that they would be coming here. The truth was I understood both of them and why they had made the respective decisions they had made. Scott was trying to save Jackson and make sure he was not hurt as we tried to find some way to help him, but reality was he had been murdering people as the Kanima and that was not something we could look past. I could only imagine that Allison had felt equally as helpless as the rest of us, but instead of making elobrate plans to trap him like we were doing, she had instead opened up to her hunter family about the situation and the truth was nobody could judge her for that.

"Hey Yasmine, you still with me?"

A hand was placed on my shoulders as I realized that I had probably zoned completely out. Plastering a false smile on my face, I took a deep breath before I spun around on my heels, now facing Matt. His eyebrows were pulled together and his lips were in a thin line as his eyes focused on my face, his hand still resting on my shoulder. "Yeah, sorry I just thought I saw someone I knew," I lied and tried to ignore the tension between us as I flashed him a small smile, looking around at everyone but him.

"Sure," he nodded with a smile, correcting his leather jacket as he suddenly arched a brow, pointing towards some sort of bar situation. "Do you want something to drink?"

Seeing this as a moment to maybe find Scott, Allison or even Stiles to find out what was happening, I nodded eagerly. "Sure! Can you get me a Coke?"

Matt left to get me a Coke with an eager smile on his face and I decided to use this window of opportunity to find out what the hell was going on. I had barely taken a step forward before someone grabbed my arm and pulled me with me. Struggling, I tried to break out of their grasp, but they were too strong and all the people surrounding us made it hard for me to see who the person.

One thing was for sure, though. I was going to kick their ass.

They pulled me behind a pillar and let go of my arm. Rapidly breathing, I balled my fist up and spun around, throwing my fist out. Whoever it was quickly caught my fist before it could make contact with their face and as the lights flashed our direction, I noticed Scott standing in front of me with a shocked expression, looking like a dear in headlights as he held my fist just centimeters from his face.

My jaw went slack and my body froze as he let go of my fist, which fell back down to my side. "I am so fucking sorry," I exhaled, my hand on my chest as it rose and fell.

"Yas, it's okay." Scott grabbed a hold of my hands and quickly looked around if he was in a rush, his body language just seeming off. "Allison is here and she told me her family is on their way here." He told me and I contemplated telling him that I knew, but he seemed to be rushing and so I kept my mouth shut, nodding instead. "Derek is here for Jackson but so is her family. I gave the ketamine to Isaac and Erica to distract and inject Jackson. Stiles is lining the building with the mountain ash and I'm gonna go try to prevent the Argents from ruining this whole plan."

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