𝟏𝟏. 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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stiles the messenger


Last night had been a wild night and I was so exhausted by the time I made it home.

Scott had picked Stiles and I up, and after a talk, we had dropped Stiles off at home first and then returned home ourselves. Scott kept shooting me worried glances the whole car ride home and continued even when we finally got home. I knew he was worried, but all I wanted to do was just forget about the whole night and get some sleep.

Well, maybe not the whole night. Weirdly enough, I felt like Stiles and I had a lot of moment so to say. It might have been my imagination and my desire for something to happen between us, but I just felt like we had some sort of connection that we did not usually have. But I doubt it, to be honest. Once I had taken a long shower and retreated to my bedroom, like always, I began overthinking and came to the conclusion that it had all been in my head.

There was no way Stiles would ever feel for me what I had been feeling for him. Never.

That night I had not sleep well at all. In fact I kept dreaming of a guy my age, who had black hair and piercing eyes. He seemed so familiar and yet I could not have place him at all. When I woke up the next morning, I could hear Scott loudly snoring from his bedroom and I threw my pillow on top of my head, screaming into it.

Once I had decided I finally had enough energy in me to get up, I threw my duvet off my body and stepped out my bed. Wrapping my comfortable robe tightly around my bed, I stuffed my feet in my slippers and head for the bathroom. Looking in the mirror was tragic to just the least. I had braided my hair before I went to bed and now my hair was wild, my baby hairs sticking up in each their direction. I had a pimple growing on my chin, my dark circles were still living rent-free under my eyes and I just looked downright tired.

"Hey Scott," I banged on his bedroom door, swinging it open. My brother was lying in his bed - actually he was very much almost on the floor. His body was hanging off the bed, his one leg literally resting on the floor, while he had his head buried in this pillow. "Scott, get your ass up."

"Just give five more minutes." Scott muttered incoherently, still in deep sleep. He casually tried to dismiss me and turned his head away from me.

I exhaled deeply and nodded to myself. "I'm gonna go make coffee and get ready. If your ass is not up ready to leave in an hour, I'm gonna leave you here and you can run to school."

Scott groaned and lifted his head from the pillow, staring at me with barely-open eyes. "Yas, I love you, but go away."

I stuck my tongue at him, stooping down to his childish level. Scott plopped back onto his pillow and pulled his duvet further over his face, muttering insults under his breath. I rolled my eyes and closed the door, now back in the bathroom that was connected to both our rooms. I groaned and contemplated whether I should take a quick shower, but I soon decided against and instead brushed my teeth and washed my face.

An hour later, I was sitting on the couch in our living room. Melissa had just left minutes ago for work and I was waiting for Scott, so we could drive to school. I had decided to just keep it simple and therefore I had dressed in a pair of blue, high-waist jeans and soft blue sweater, which was tucked into the waistband of my jeans. My hair was pulled into a low bun and I had chosen to let a few strands frame my face, so I did not look too bare around my face area.

"I'm here," Scott came running down the stairs and almost tripped over his own feet, catching himself before he fell. He jumped down the stairs and ran over, now standing in front of me. "On time." He smirked and poked my face, grinning happily.

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