𝟎𝟒. 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧

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new wolf in town 


I could hear their conversation. Allison and Lydia stood just outside the doors to the school talking and I heard their entire conversation. It amazed me how easy it was for Lydia to bring up Kate again, just to take the heat off herself.

Suddenly the doors were opened and the two strutted in, after which Lydia looked horrified to have every single student stop and stare at her, including myself. Her green eyes roamed the entire hallway, still wide in fear.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds." Allison had leaned in and whispered to Lydia.

The strawberry blonde flicked her hair and began strutting down the hallway like it was a runway at the New York Fashion Week. Allison walked up to my locker with a small smile on her face and handed me my black coat, which I had used to cover up Lydia up with last night.

"Thank you," Allison smiled sweetly. "I know Lydia won't come say it herself, but I'm sure she appreciates you covering her up."

I scoffed and grabbed the coat, folding it neatly and placing it in my locker. "She probably doesn't, but thanks, Allison." I smiled at the brunette as we began walking down the hallway together. "How are you feeling today?"

Allison sighed, her brown hair falling in front of her eyes. "I'm fine," she tucked the hair behind her ear.

"I can hear your heartbeat, Allison." I reminded her, grimacing slightly.

"Okay, I'm not completely fine, but I'm getting there." Allison answered truthfully. "It's been heard with everything going, but I'm getting used to it. How about you? How are you holding up?"

"After what happened to me?" I questioned sarcastically. "Everything's peachy."

Allison knew I was not mad at her but the situation. I was angry that this had escalated so far that we could not even feel safe in our own goddamn hometown, because we were werewolves and there were werewolves hunters in town, because Derek was the Alpha and we had no idea what he planned to do. I was angry because our lives had changed so drastically over the past few months.

Allison stopped in her tracks and placed a hand on my arm, making me stop in my tracks as well. "Yas, you have been through a lot and it's okay for you to be mad. If you ever wanna talk, I'm here for you, just like you've been for me."

A small smile made its way onto my face. "Thank you, Allison."

"You're welcome. You've been so understanding sweet to me this whole time." Allison insisted and began walking again, her hand still holding onto my arm gently. "Even after everything that happened at the Winter Formal, you were so supportive of everyone else."

When we neared the classroom, where Allison's first lesson would be taking place, she pulled me into a hug. "You've been through a lot, Yasmine. It's okay to take some time off to adjust to all the changes." The brunette whispered into my ear before she pulled away with a small smile and walked into the classroom.

I took a deep breath, then began walking down the hallway and towards the lacrosse field. When I made it out onto the field, I waved at Scott and Stiles, who were sitting on the players' bench, before taking a seat on the bleachers. I'd planned to catch up on some homework, while watching the lacrosse practice.

Suddenly a peculiar smell made its way to my nose. It was the same type of smell I got from Scott, but something was different about it. I looked up from my textbook and began looking around on the field, then looked down at Scott and Stiles, who were discussing something in whispers.

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