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hey everyone,

so after many years at this point, verdant is officially over. if anyone remembers, this used to be called green light and I officially started writing this all the way back in 2016-2017. I started shortly after finishing deep red but I got packed with school and then honestly I lost all motivation to write more for this. well then the misfortune of corona hit me earlier this year and I was home for about a month in isolation, so I randomly was looking through my library and I decided to start writing again. I changed a lot of the original plot, what I had planned for Yasmine and began writing again.

y'all have been so fucking welcoming and so sweet to me with your votes, comments and even private messages you've sent, and I'm so grateful for the love you've shown me and this book despite it literally taking me years to write and finish this book.

with that being said, I am gonna attempt to write the third book. it might be a bit packed because of school but I'm definitely gonna try my hardest.

metanoia is the name of the third book and she is up on my page, so you can add her to your libraries if you wanna know what happens next in Yasmine's life which I'm kinda sure you will if you've made it this far lmao.

once again, thank you for taking the time to read my books even though they're all over the place with the most random updating schedule. I truly appreciate it.

and I guess I'll see you in metanoia

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