𝟑𝟒. 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Having walked away from Allison, I now found myself wandering around the station, my breathing labored. My hands were balled into fists as I carefully tip-toed around the darkened station, trying to find the Sheriff and my mom, or even Scott.

A gasp escaped me as I was pushed against the wall, claws pressed on my neck as I fearfully looked up only to see Derek standing before me, his red bright red and his fangs showing as he glared down at me. "I told you to leave the station, Yasmine."

"I-I was trying to find my mom and the Sheriff," I answered, gulping as he harshly glared down at me. His sharp claws were still pressed against my neck as he glared down, his body flushed against mine as I heavily breathed, feeling nervous to have him be this close. "Could you maybe, like, take your claws off my neck?"

Derek complied and lowered his hand, but he did not move as he looked me up and down before his red eyes stared deeply into mine. "Yasmine, the Argents are here and they will shoot anyone in their way. Get out of here before you get hurt." He commanded.

I was about to protest, but the look on Derek's face and the arch of his eyebrow caused a chill to run down my spine as I swallowed thickly, nodding slowly. "Fine, but make sure they get out, all of them," I pleaded, a softer expression overtaking my features as I sighed, trying not to focus on his very muscular chest pressed against mine. "And just an FYI, Allison's looking for you and she has a crossbow, so be careful."

Derek nodded and took a step back, clearing his throat as he reverted his red eyes to stare at the wall right behind me as I let out a deep breath. "Get out," he said, though in a milder tone.

I awkwardly took a few steps to the side before I shot Derek a last look, then spun around on my heels and took off running. I knew he was right and as much as I wanted to be helpful, I was also aware that I did not have cool claws or fangs to assert my power or even defend myself - hell, I did not have glowing eyes! The hard truth was that he was right and if any of Argents hunters found me, I risked being shish kebab'ed or shot once again. Turning a corner, my feet stopped dead in their tracks as I swore loudly.

The Kanima had now fully turned and had been crouching at the end of the hallway, but it seemed to have heard me the second I turned around the corner and immediately locked its lizard eyes on me as I felt a cold sensation make it way through my body, my breath stuck in my throat. A loud hiss escaped the Kanima and I slowly began backing up as the Kanima began taking small steps in my directions, its one hand running along the wall as it scratched the paint off.

"Oh, bloody hell!" I swore before I whirled around and began sprinting down the hallway, hearing the Kanima hiss as it followed suit and followed me down the hallway, its tail slamming again the wall as it neared me by the second.

Spotting a familiar door, I grabbed ahold of the handle and ripped the door open, running out into the outer area of the station, where extra police vehicles were parked and extra stuff was stored. Slamming the door behind me, I locked the door and ran through the space, trying to find somewhere to hide from the Kanima. There was a desk standing in the far corner of the room and I ran a hand down my face, muttering several cuss words before I maneuvered my way through all the stuff in there and headed straight for the desk, dropping to my knees and sliding underneath the desk just as the door was broken and I heard the familiar hiss from the Kanima.

Once again, I found myself hiding under a desk, my knees pressed again my chest as I covered my mouth, trying my hardest to stay as silent and untraceable as possible. The footsteps from the Kanima echoed through the empty room and my chest began closing in as I heard it come closer and closer to me, accepting within myself that it would not be long before the Kanima found me hiding under the desk. Matt had obviously gone off the rails and I did not doubt that Jackson as the Kanima had orders to kill on sight, which meant I was a dead woman the second Jackson found me.

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