𝟎𝟖. '𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞'

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Last night had been very hectic and Yasmine had been extremely exhausted. When she arrived home, Scott still was not there. The young student had taken a warm shower and after getting dressed in some warm clothes, she had gotten in her bed planning to sleep. That plan did not go as planned, since minutes later, Scott had busted into Yasmine's bedroom, seeming frazzled. He had told her about what had happened at Isaac's house; how something had broken in and almost attacked Allison. The werewolf had been so puzzled and so confused, but he had mostly been confused. That thing obviously was not a werewolf like himself, so what the hell was it?

Yasmine watched Scott and Allison as they climbed up the wall. All of them were currently in PE with Coach Finstock, and Yasmine watched as her brother and his girlfriend climbed the wall, discussing last night's events while also getting their flirt on. Stiles stood beside her and they all watched as Scott quickly climbed up the wall, surprising even Allison, who thought she was faster than him.

Out of nowhere, the brunette kicked Scott's wall and he went flying down the wall. Just before he hit the mattress, his safety stopped the fall and he was left hanging inches above the mat... that is until it gave out and he plopped right into the mat, leaving everyone in fits of laughter. Yasmine playfully rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she made eye contact with Alison, who had been staring down at her boyfriend.

Coach Finstock sat down on the mat next to Scott, still laughing from the fall. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He continued to laugh, staring down at the werewolf. "Right? Alright, next two." He yelled and got back up, looking around at his students. "Stilinski, Ericka, let's go. The wall."

Yasmine glanced over at Erica, who was staring up at the wall in sheer fear while panting hard. Yasmine's heightened senses could smell the fear on Erica and hear her heart beat significantly faster. This prompted Yasmine to take a few steps forward and place a hand on Erica's shoulder. "It'll be okay. Just take it slow." She flashed Erica a small smile, which had been reassuring to the blonde girl.

Stiles was very excited and he had given Yasmine a high-five before he rushed forward. Both him and Erica were strapped in and then given permission to climb the wall. Stiles was on the wall within seconds and merely began climbing. Erica however was breathing extremely heavy and struggled to climb, probably due to a fear of heights. They all watched as Stiles climbed all the way to the top and slowly came back down again.

Erica's hyperventilating became louder and they all heard as she breathed heavily. "Help, please." She muttered in panic.

Everyone, including Coach Finstock, stepped closer to the wall, their eyes on Erica. Scott and Yasmine shared worried looks with Allison and Stiles. Erica was halfway up the wall and it was clear her fears were holding her back and she was stuck.

"Erica," Coach called out to her. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

Lydia Martin's eyes narrowed as she looked up at the Coach. "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." She expressed. "She's just freaking out."

"Erica." Coach yelled again.

Laughs could be heard around the gym. "I'm fine." Erica shakily replied, trying to ignore the laughs of her classmates.

Allison sighed and leaned over. "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic."

Coach seemed frazzled. "W-why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" He looked back up at the blonde. "Epileptic? Erica, you're fine. Just-just kick off from, from the wall. There's, there's a mat to catch you."

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