𝟐𝟓. 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

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mountain ash and ketamine


The next morning, Stiles had texted Scott and let him know he would be over soon to pick us up and drive us to school. Both Scott and I quickly got ready and I ignored his watchful gazes directed at me as we stood in bathroom, brushing our teeth together. While I was staring at the sink, I could sense his eyes constantly peek at me and knowing why he was being so cautious, I pretended I had not seen it.

Stiles pulled up just as Scott and I walked out of our house, Scott locking the door behind us. Melissa was already at work and would not be home until later tonight, so we had to, of course, make sure we locked all doors, so nobody could break in.

"How are we feeling, party people?" Stiles hollered as he pulled out of our driveway and back onto the road. Scott was seated in the front seat and I was lounging in the backseat like always, leaning against the window as I yawned, my legs curled up on the seat.

I rolled my eyes at his statement as he peered at me through the review mirror, a huge smile on his face. "It's entirely too early for you to be that hyperactive, Stiles."

"How much Adderall did you have this morning?" Scott asked despite having a grin on his face, which matched Stiles'.

Stiles' jaw dropped as he gazed at his best friend. "I did not have Adderall this morning!" He denied but seeing the doubtful looks both Scott and I shot him, he sighed defeated. "Fine, maybe I had a little too much."

"You're so silly," I laughed as I yawned again. "God, I'm tired."

Scott's eyes peered at me through the review mirror, his eyebrows furrowed as he had a worried expression on his face. "How are you feeling, Yas?"

I smiled softly at him, now also noticing that Stiles was waiting in anticipation for my answer. "I'm fine now, Scotty," I answered and adjusted the way my legs had been resting. "I feel much better and don't worry, I'm not gonna faint again."

Stiles' hazel eyes were locked on the road but every now and then, I would catch him peeking at me. "That's good because we have to figure how to get to that rave thing tonight."

My heart just about stopped beating and my eyes widened as his words echoed in my head. I totally forgot to tell him and Scott that Matt had already asked me to the rave tonight and seeing how much Stiles genuinely disliked the guy, I doubt their reactions would be anything but good.

"But how?" Scott asked in frustration, a helpless look on his face making him look like a puppy. "Where are we supposed to get three tickets?"

I debated whether to speak up or not, then decided I needed to just get it over with. Inhaling deeply, I finally spoke up. "Yeah, about that... You're only gonna need two." I revealed, nervously nibling on my lower lip.

Stiles' eyebrows pulled together as he peeped at me through the review mirror. Scott turned around in his seat and placed a hand on mine, empathy swirling around in his deep brown eyes. "I thought you said you were fine, Yasmine." He expressed, holding onto my hand. "Why aren't you coming tonight?"

I awkwardly looked around the Jeep, trying my hardest to not make eye contact with either one of the boys. Sighing, I finally caved and peered at both of them, noticing that their eyes were focused on me. "Matt kinda asked me to the rave the other day and I kinda, I don't know why, said yes."

Stiles' eyes widened and within seconds, he had slammed his foot onto the brake, the Jeep screeching loudly as it came to a sudden halt. I had let out a squeal as my body also flew off the seats, my seatbelt saving my life. Scott had slammed onto the dashboard and Stiles himself was tightly gripping the steering wheel as his head rested on it.

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