𝟎𝟗. 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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late night conversations


Derek Hale had been sitting inside of his old house, when he heard the noise. The second he heard the first few footsteps, he could smell exactly who had arrived to his old family house. It was rare someone ever came here anymore and if they did, Derek made sure to scare them away. This house was sacred to the Alpha - after all, this was the only place he had left, which reminded him of what his life used to be. Returning to Beacon Hills had not been an easy decision, but here he was.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your brother and that spas friend of yours?"

Yasmine McCall let out a small snort, keeping her eyes focused on the empty lot ahead of her. "You know, there is more to me than just being Scott and Stiles' sidekick."

"I remember you," Derek revealed to Yasmine, who turned and looked up at his face. "You used to play here with my siblings."

A smile made its way onto Yasmine's face, memories flooding her memory. All the times she would tell her mom she was at Lydia's house and instead sneak out to the woods - out to the Hale family. God, she had spent so much of her childhood here. All the games she and the Hale children had made up, all the good food she had eaten here. Talia Hale had been almost been a second mom to Yasmine growing up. The Hale family had always cared so deeply for Yasmine. That is how she knew Peter so well, but nobody in her life knew that. Having spent so much time here, the Hale's had started to consider Yasmine family and they even joked she was the youngest Hale besides Cora, of course.

Yasmine sighed sadly, titling her head to the side. "I loved it out here," she admitted and leaned back onto her hands, which were resting on the porch behind her. The moonlight shun down on the dark lot, illuminating the dark ground. "Your family was always so nice."

Derek sat down next to Yasmine, staring out at the lot just the young brunette. He gently glanced over at the brunette, suppressing a sad smile instead keeping his expression neutral. She was no longer the young girl, who used to sneak out here. The young girl who would always have her dark brown hair in small pig tails with tons of butterfly clips. Her eyes used to be so big and curious, taking in everything around her. She used to be so hyperactive, so energetic and so curious. He remembered how she would always run around their large house and ask a million questions about everything. Everyone loved her - even Derek himself. The girl possessed so much life and she truly embodied the innocence of a child.

Looking at her now, it was almost felt nostalgic. Her hair had naturally gotten much darker and now loose waves were now her go-to as her hair perfectly fell around her face. Her eyes were no longer filled with curiosity - instead they seemed almost impenetrable. She was no longer a small child with enough joy in her to make anyone who met her immediately feel happy. The troubles in her life seemed to have taken a toll on her and she seemed tired, restless even. But nobody could deny the girl had grown up into an absolutely beautiful teenager, not even Derek.

"They loved you," Derek reminisced, feeling Yasmine look over at him now. The moonlight perfectly illuminated her face, her eyes shining. "My mom always used to love when you swung by."

Yasmine smiled with a small giggle escaping her. "Dude, I lied to my mom every time. Told her I was gonna go to Lydia's house and then I would come out here instead." She admitted, now looking up at the bright moon. "God, I was here a lot."

Derek nodded, his eyes also focused on the bright moon. "Mom would worry every time you left." Yasmine never knew this and found herself staring at Derek with her dark brows pulled together. "She would make me and Laura follow you through the Preserve and make sure you got home safe."

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