𝟎𝟓. 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬

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paper balls


Yasmine, Stiles and Scott all stood huddled together, staring at the same objective. The unknown werewolf was currently standing off to the side of the field, talking with Sheiff Stilinski and Coach Finstock.

"His father is dead," Scott told Stiles and Yasmine, listening in on the conversation. "They think he was murdered."

Yasmine's eyebrows furrowed as the sheriff gently patted Isaac Lahey's shoulder and lead him away. "Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles' voice broke her out of her thoughts and back to reality.

"I'm not sure." Scott gently shook his head, then turned to look at his best friend. "Why?"

Yasmine already felt where this was going and sighed defeatedly. "Because they can hold him in a holding cell for 24 hours." The brunette stated, to which Stiles nodded.

Scott was not on the same wavelength though and glanced at his sister, who was standing beside him. "Like overnight?"

"During the full moon." Stiles answered and gulped, a small sigh leaving his mouth.

The full moon being tonight worried the three. It was obvious that, unlike Scott, he was a werewolf who had just been turned. His anger level and lack of control on the field alone proved how inexperienced he was and how incapable he was of handling his new gifts.

"How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott questioned his best friend, a worried tone to his voice. He, more so than anyone, understood how that boy felt in this moment and he knew exactly how awful this situation could get.

"People, good." Stiles turned to look at his best friend, his eyes briefly meeting Yasmine's worried eyes before he looked back to Scott. "Werewolves, probably not that good."

Yasmine was listening to the two boys talk, but her heart was not in it. See everyone else might have forgotten, but tonight was also Yasmine's first full moon since the whole ordeal with Peter. Unlike Scott, she did not exactly have fangs or claws, hell her eyes would not even glow! Yet her sense of smell and hearing were heightened and her reflexes were better. What Yasmine did not know was, although unspoken, both boys were worried about her. After that night, the two had been keeping a closer eye on her. That night had been rough on everyone but especially Yasmine.

"Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?" Scott questioned, his eyes fixated on Isaac's back. "He does."

YASMINE: derek I need to talk with you

Chemistry class was in session and Mr. Harris was writing on the board. Stiles and Scott were seated together, talking quietly. Yasmine was seated behind them, opposite Danny. Although she could easily listen in, she did not. The full moon being tonight had put Yasmine in a funky mood, since it not only reminded her of her near death and the death of Peter; it also reminded her that she no longer knew who she was, or rather, what she was.

"It was Yasmine!"

Yasmine's head snapped up, her eyes wide. Mr. Harris was glaring at her all while Scott and Stiles were pointing to her. Danny, who had witnessed the whole thing, even spoken with the two guys, let out a small snort, when he saw the brunette's face. Her eyebrows were raised, eyes wide and she seemed utterly confused.

Seconds later, Yasmine was perched outside of the principal's office. The two dumbasses, as Yasmine had referred to them, had throw a paper ball at Mr. Harris all so they could get to the principal's office and see what Jackson was telling the sheriff.

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