𝟏𝟕. 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠

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kanima kidnapping


You know, I was very comfortable in Stiles' arms. His arms were wrapped around my shoulders, holding me close as he stroked my hair lovingly, his heartbeat keeping me calm as I rested my head on his chest. That was great - I loved that. But that was until Jackson literally began paralyzing everyone around Danny, including Danny himself, leading to utter chaos as people watched several bodies drop to the floor, their faces and eyes responsive yet their body unmovable.

I saw Danny's body fall to floor and all I wanted to do was just drop down next to him and make sure he was okay; I wanted to make sure that Jackson had not managed to hurt him whatsoever. That dude was one of my closest friend and the one who, by far, knew the most about me and vice versa. I had been a shitty friend towards him lately, so while Stiles dragged me out of the club, my eyes were still lingering on Danny and as he desperately stared around with no feeling in his body from the neck down, I was well aware that I had to make it up to my best friend.

But unfortunately I could not do that right now. Instead I was seated in the back of Stiles' busted Jeep, sharing the back with a naked, unconscious Jackson Whittemore. Scott had followed him, after Derek had to tried to kill him, and found him lying naked out in the parking lot, drifting in and out of consciousness. As much as I wanted to leave him there to freeze, I felt bad for the boy and so I had helped my brother and Stiles carry Jackson to Jeep. If the police saw him, we would be in deep shit.

According to Scott, he saw Derek slash the Kanima's throat before disappearing in the midst of the crowd. He explained that he could not find Stiles or I, so he followed the blood-trail left by an injured Jackson - that's when he found a naked Jackson slipping in and out of consciousness, having collapsed next to Danny's car.

"Why do I have to sit in the back?" I questioned distastefully as Jackson moved his head, my eyes widened as I tried not to strike him.

Because there was not enough space in Jeep for all three of us and an injured Jackson, I was left sitting in the backseat with Jackson's head resting on my lap as a blanket covered his naked body. I was putting an act to a certain extent, because truth be told, I still cared for the lacrosse player. Jackson had broken my heart, but he had meant to a lot to me and as much as I tried to deny it, I could not lie to myself. I did care about his well-being and his health, but as a person, he was not as someone I would have any romantic feelings for any longer.

"I'm driving and Scott's always up front," Stiles defended and turned to face me, his eyes firmly fixated on Jackson. His eyes were narrowed and jaw clenched as he glared at the co-captain of the lacrosse team. "I still think we should've left him there."

I scoffed, cocking my head to the side as I leaned against the window. "He wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth if he was found. He is notorious for running his mouth."

Stiles had opened his mouth to answer, probably to agree in an extremely sarcastic tone, but in that same moment Scott pulled open the door to the Jeep and jumped in, ceasing whatever conversation had been talking place. "Couldn't get anything out of Danny." Scott revealed to Stiles and I, then looked back at me with a caring smile on his face. "Also, he's fine. They're taking him to the hospital but Jackson didn't hurt him."

I let out a deep breath, feeling rather relieved as I placed my hand on my heart, taking a moment. "Thank fuck," I ran my hand down my face, now feeling significantly less worried and anxious in regards to Danny.

"Okay, can we just get the hell out of here now before one of my dad's deputies sees me?"

Faint groaning resonated through the car and my entire body froze as I came to the conclusion that Jackson was the one groaning and whimpering, his head twitching.

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