𝟏𝟑. 𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫?

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yasmine the murderer?


My eyes slowly fluttered open and I slowly managed to fully opened my eyes only to stare directly at Scott. A scream escaped my throat and I scrambled back in my bed, trying to gather my thoughts. Scott himself jolted awake and fell straight onto the floor of my bedroom. Suddenly his head covered in messy black hair reappeared and he shot me a glare, getting up from the floor and now stretching his arms.

"Scott," I said breathlessly and took a second to let my heart calm down its beating. Taking a deep breath, I loosened my grip on my duvet and flopped back onto my bed. "I love you, but what the fuck are you doing sleeping at the end of my bed."

When I did not get an answer, I thought Scott had silently left and so I sat back up but to my surprise, he was still in my room. A single brow rose and I clapped my hands, snapping Scott out of whatever thought he was in the middle of. His brown eyes, now widened, looked back over at me and I leaned forward, widening my eyes as I gently shook my head. "Scott, what's wrong."

"I, uh," he let out frustrated groan and flopped back onto my bed, his hands in his hair. "Allison's grandfather came to find me last night when I went to pick up mom."

I felt my heart nearly stop again. "He did what now?"

Scott finally sat back up and turned his body, so he was now facing me. "He stabbed me, Yas, right there. He threatened me." He scratched his cheek and continued to stare blankly at me.

My breath hitched in my throat and tears began to gather in my eyes. Scott yelped as I leaped onto him and pulled him into a tight hug, holding him close to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close, burying his head in my hair. I took a few deep breaths, trying my very hardest to not break down in tears. The thought of Scott being stabbed and threatened by Allison's psychotic grandfather was in my head and I tried my best to get rid of it.

My brother pulled back and held me by the arms. "Yasmine," he tried to get my attention, but I kept my eyes focused on the door-frame behind him, trying not to cry. "Yasmine, I'm okay. I'm fine."

I ripped my arms out of his hands and jumped out of my bed, now pacing around my bedroom, feeling Scott's eyes fixated on me. "Whatever he kills you the next time, huh? What are we gonna do then?" I retorted angrily and ran a hand through my hair, not knowing how to properly express the anger I felt. I turned to Scott, a fire burning in the depths of my eyes. "If he ever tries anything like that, I will kill him myself."

Scott's eyes widened in shock and his eyebrows rose as he observed me. I am pretty sure he could hear my heartbeat and therefore knew I was not lying or acting out of anger - no, I was perfectly calm and perfectly serious. If anyone from Allison's family ever laid a hand on my brother, I would personally dispose of them myself.

"Yasmine," Scott stood up and grabbed a hold of my shoulder. He looked directly into my eyes, a strained smile on his face obviously trying to calm me down. "I'm okay, okay? Now calm down." He patted my head and I jerked my head away as Scott grinned, poking my face.

I pouted but complied nonetheless. Allowing myself to calm down, I sat back down on my bed and a groan left me when I realized how sore my shoulders were from yesterday. Scott mumbled something about taking a shower and disappeared, closing the door behind him. Now that he was gone, I bundled back up in my sheets and allowed my mind to race.

I loved Allison, I really did but I was getting fed up with how desperately her family wanted to torture my brother. I was well aware that her parents hated Scott, but at least they had agreed to leave him be for now - they never came for him like this. Kate was a fucking nutcase and I could not be happier that she was dead and six feet under - we no longer had to worry what her crazy ass would do. But now Allison's grandfather had weaseled his way into our lives, firstly by becoming principal but then by cornering my brother and stabbing him. I was getting so sick of the Argents and as I sat there, I vowed to myself that I would do anything to save my brother.

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