𝟐𝟔. 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

967 34 13

horse manes and heartfelt conversations


I was home again and standing in my room, dressed in a soft and large robe with a towel wrapped around my head, my feet comfortable in a pair of slippers, and a sheet mask on my face. It was officially Friday night, which meant it was the night on which I had to go to the rave with Matt.

Truth be told, I did not mind him too much. My issue just lied in my lack of knowledge about him and who he was, primarily. He had been part of the lacrosse team for as long as I can remember and I had seen him around school before, but never had we spoken let alone agreed to go somewhere together. He did not seem too bad but with his sudden entrance in my life, and Stiles' sheet dislike for the boy, I had to admit I was being rather cautious around him.

Standing in the middle of my room, I tried to debate with myself how I wanted to look tonight; how did I want my hair to look, how did I want to do my makeup and what the hell was I wearing. I had obviously never been to a rave before, but honestly, I could imagine what people wore at raves and then figured I would wear something along those lines. Walking towards my closet, I looked through the whole thing and once I had decided what to wear, I neatly placed the outfit on my bed.

Allison was also attending tonight but she had told me that it had something to do with her father and grandfather, and them wanting to catch Jackson. Personally, I did not believe for a single second that Gerard and Chris Argent were merely interested in capturing Jackson as the Kanina; they were going to kill him. Allison might have been a little more gullible than me, but I saw through their act of kindness and understanding. They were hunters and so they hunted. Hunters don't spare their prey and help it become better; they put it down once it gets too dangerous.

In this case, well, Jackson was their prey and he had stepped way out of line.

As much as Jackson had hurt people during his time as the Kanina, he genuinely did not deserve to die. The boy clearly had absolutely no idea what he was doing and while he was hoping to be transitioning into a werewolf, he was actually turning into this South American revenge jaguar who was literally being controlled by someone that made him kill people - innocent people.

I sat down and did my usual makeup, but adding a little more flare. After doing a small cat wing and applying some red lipstick to my lips, I finally took my hair down and let the wet locks hang down my back, debating on what to do with them. My hair was naturally wavy and of course it took some work to make it look presentable, but I always wore it wavy and rarely any other way. Having made up my mind, I nodded to myself as I plugged in both my hair dryer and my hair straighter. Once my hair was nice and straight, I pulled it into a high ponytail and slicked it back.

"Hey Yas," Scott knocked on my bedroom door and pushed it open as I hummed, letting him know he could open it. "You look good," he grinned in a brotherly way, now standing behind me as we both stared at each other through the mirror.

A small spread on my face as I arched an eyebrow. "Really?" I questioned, feeling a little self conscious about how I had done my makeup and hair. "You like?"

"Yasmine, you look amazing," Scott assured and played with my long ponytail. "Your hair is like a horse's mane."

"I don't think you should be one to talk, wolf boy." I mocked him and reached up, fluffing his black hair with my hand.

Scott grimaced as I ruffled his hair, but made no effort to stop me. I lowered my hand and sat back in my seat, peering directly into the mirror. Scott stood behind me, his hands placed on each of my shoulders as he stared at me through the mirror. We looked so similar yet so different, but it did not matter to us. That boy standing right there was my better half, my world. If Scott was not here, there was no reason for me to be here either. Ever since birth, we had been inseparable. Like other siblings, we had the occasional spats and discussions, but never anything too serious. He was my twin brother and I could never imagine being in this world without him by my side.

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