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DISCLAIMER- So, This story is going to get sexual and smutty so if you don't like that I am sorry but I give you a warning now. The majority of my stories have smut and sex in them and Ig I am just a sexual person. What can ya do about it.. But anyways. This story is my own idea so please don't steal it. I have other stories you can read if ya want btw and you totally should. But ANYWAYS. READ ON BRO:))

Melody's POV

(Melody above)

"Yes mom I know. Yes I will Be there. I know you want me to be there and I am going to be. Stop worrying." I try to get my mom to calm down.

"I will be there. See you then" I said and we hung up.

Mom needs to chill. I know she wants me to go to this business party with her and I am going to.

Just like she asked.

I just.. Have to get a stupid dress.

My mom works for this company thing and she used to make my father go with her to these business parties but he died 6 months ago and Now she always asks me to come with her.

But I don't mind.

I finally find a dress.

It is a tighter dress, goes to almost my knees, a dark blue with black lace near the top and up over my shoulders.

Yeah so I am not as professional as all them other old people.

But uh. I am only 22. I don't have to be bitch what you gonna do ?

Nothing. They all know I am younger and don't have a problem with it. And normally I am the only colorful person because they wear these dull ass colors.

I look for it in a different color because. I am not being dull around them dull people.

I find another blue one that is a little lighter and shrug.

That'll work.

I buy the dress and then buy some shoes to go with it and then walk out of the store and to my car.

I get in and drive to my apartment that I share with my cousin Raya.

I go to my room and I get ready, doing my hair and makeup and then getting dressed and putting on the shoes

Okay.. I look good. I look good. I am proud.

I make my hair a little less neat and then spray perfume on myself.

I then grab my phone and keys and make my way back out to the car and drive to my moms house.

"Mommmaaaaa" I yelled as I walked in.

"Yes??" She asked from upstairs.

"You almost ready?" I asked her and she came downstairs.

"Yeah come on" She said and we left her house, heading to the party that her boss is hosting.

I put my keys into my moms handbag thing and hold my phone.

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