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Melody's POV

I feel small kisses being placed all over my face.

I smile a little and then feel the lips on mine.

The pull away and I look up to Jack.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked covering my mouth as I yawned.

"About two hours" He replied.

"You let me sleep on you for two hours?" I asked him and he shrugs shyly.

"You looked cute." He said smiling a little.

I roll over ontop of him and sit up, my hands on his chest.

"Babbbyyy.. When you do this it makes me want to stay in bed with you" He whined as I pulled on his shirt.

"Why can't we?" I asked him.

"Dinner. Remember?" He asked.

"How about this. For dinner. We order a pizza. We can go out to dinner Friday. but tonight. You and I can stay in bed for a while.. " I suggested.

"Well that depends... Are we just going to sleep?" He asked me smirking a little. as he sat up.

"I hope you weren't expecting sleep because that was not on my agenda" I tell him 

"Okay." He agreed.

"Good. Now take these pants off. They are uncomfortable" I tell him and he chuckles.

I get off of him and he stands up and unbuttons his pants and slid them off, leaving him in his underwear and his shirt.

"Hey.. You should take your shirt off too" I said smiling at him.

He laughs and takes it off and then gets back into bed.

He looks over at me and then grabs one of my legs, pulling it over his waist.

I swing it further over, sitting in his lap.

I put my hands on his stomach and slowly trace the indentions of his muscles on his torso.

I get to his V line and his muscles tightened a little.

I put my hand flat on his lower stomach. my eyes trailing up his body.

I don't know why I have never taken the time to appreciate his body before..

Its so.. Perfect..

I move my hand and just look at him for a minute, tilting my head

I hear him giggle and look up to his face seeing a smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I don't know yet.. Give me a minute" I said and he chuckled.

I trace the small veins that were coming from beneath his underwear.

My eyes went to his happy trail and I giggled a little.

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