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Melody's POV

A few days later.

It was a very rainy day today and Jack was at his new apartment that he shares with Blondey. And I was just home. Alone. Being bored. Because Raya decided to go to her moms earlier.

I call Jack.

"Jaaaaaccckkk" I whined as he answered and I hear him chuckling a little on the other line.

"Yes baby?" He asked

"I know you're still unpacking. But I am bored. And its a rainy day. And I am all by myself. And have nothing to do. So PLEASE come over and hang out with me" I begged and I just know he has that cute little stupid smirk on his face.

"I mean.. I guess if you reaaalllly want me to" He said 

"Ok Thank Y-" He cut me off.

"But are you going to play in the rain with me?" He asked.

"I mean. Sure" I said smiling.

"Wait for real?" He asked

"Sure." I said 

"So you're saying you're going to jump in puddles and all?" He asked 

"Why not?" I asked smiling.

"Okay. You better not chicken out now. I'm on my way" He said and I smiled and we hung up.

I changed into clothes that I don't mind getting wet and dirty and then put on older shoes.

I go out of my apartment and down the elevator and to the parking garage. After a few minutes Jack pulls up and parks next to my car and I walk over as he got out.

He wraps his arms around me, his hands resting at the top of my butt and leans down and pecks my lips.

After a minute I pull away.

"Come on. Lets go Play." I said grabbing his hand smiling as his smile grows.

He locks his car and we go outside and there are many puddles around and in the grass and all.

I jump into one of the bigger puddles, it splashing up onto Jack and I..

"Babe it feels good" I said actually surprised. It has been pretty hot lately and the rain water is colder.

I squat down and put my hands in the water and Jack puts his hand on my head and just barely pushes me and I fall backwards onto my ass in the puddle, making him start laughing.

I scoot forward and sit on his feet and wrap my arms around his legs.

He puts his hand in my wet hair and I smile a little and then stand back up.

"Hold Me" I said holding my arms up like a little kid and he chuckles and picks me up.

I wrap my arms around his neck and I push some of the hair out of his face, it wet and just sticking to his forehead.

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