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Melody's POV


I hear my doorbell ring and I sigh getting up from the couch and going to open the door.

I open it and see Jack there.

"You know what I don't fucking understand? How you can just up and cheat on me like its nothing" Jack said angrily as he walked inside.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You seriously think that my FUCKING FRIEND. Would not tell me. That you two fucked? He brags about every girl he fucks. Why would he keep fucking you a secret?" He asked me .

"I don't know what you are talking about Jack.. Calm dow-" He cut me off.

"No I won't calm down Melody. You seriously think I am not going to be mad at you for fucking Sammy? You are MY girlfriend. Do you not understand what Loyalty is? You don't fucking cheat you dumbass" He said slapping me and I feel tears coming to my eyes.

"I don't fucking know what your talking about.. I-" He cut me off slapping me again.

"Stop fucking Lying to me. God your such a slut. I don't know why I ever  liked you. I was stupid to fall for you." He said making the tears fall.


I feel his arms wrap around me tightly and then him kiss my forehead, confusing me.

"Its just a dream baby.. Wake up.. Don't cry" I hear Jack's voice and I realized it was a dream as I woke up.

He rubs my back, holding me close and I let out a sigh.

"Jack.." I said quietly and he hummed.

"You would never hit me.. Right?" I asked him, my finger tracing shapes onto his arm, where his tattoo is.

"I'd never hurt you baby" He said, his voice more worrisome.

"Promise?" I asked looking up at him.

"Promise." He replied and I peck his chest gently.

"Jack" I said again.

"Yes?" He asked

"Can you sing to me again? I'm still like.. Really tired" I tell him.

"Of course" He replied 

"What do you wanna hear?" He asked me.

"How about.. An Ed Sheeran song?" I asked him smiling a little.

"Okay." He said 

"Settle down with me.. Cover me up.. Cuddle me in." He started.

"Lie down. With meee and. hoooolld me.. In your armmss" He sang 

"And your hearts against my chest. Your lips pressed to my neck.. I'm falling for your eyes. But they don't know me yet.. And with a feeling I'll forget... I'm in love. Now." 

A Little More //Jack Gilinsky FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now