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Melody's POV

I wake up and Raya is no longer asleep on me.. Hell I don't know where she went.

I grab my phone and turn it on and see quite a few texts from.. Jack. FINALLY.

I unlock my phone, going straight to the messages.

Jack: Hey..

Jack: I'm sorry

Jack: I didn't mean to make you think I was mad at you cuz im not

Jack: Ig I just needed to think

Jack: I didn't think it would be a very big deal

Jack: But I get where ur coming from.. I didn't say anything really and Im sorry bbg.

Jack: Are you mad at me?

Jack: Come on.. Please don't be mad at me Mel.

Jack: Please?

Jack: I didn't mean to make you mad.

Jack: Do you want me to come over?

Jack: No.. U probably dont .. ur angry at me.

Jack: Please answer.

that was all sent last night around 10.

Fuck I went to sleep early.

Me: I'm sorry I am not mad I just fell asleep early.

Immediately, Jack read it.

Jack: Oh thank god. I thought you were ignoring me.

Me: Nah thats more of your thing.

Jack: U are mad..

Me: No. I am not. Just irritated. I thought I messed up. I thought I ruined what ever the fuck we had going on and didn't know what I did bc u just stopped talking to me for a week. And honestly that fucking sucked.

Jack: I'm sorry.. I didn't think about it. I was just trying to clear my mind.

Me: From me?

Jack: No.

Me: Than what?

Jack: Can we talk about this in person?

Me: IDK can we? U were the one ignoring me. Do you think that its a good idea? What if I mess up your mind again? Another week?

Jack: Melllllllllloooddyyyy

Jack: Chill.. Im omw.

I roll my eyes and click off my phone.

Okay.. Maybe I am a little mad.

But. Who wouldn't be?

After a few minutes the door opens and Jack walks in.

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