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Melody's POV

Jack and I walk into walmart, him holding my hand and swinging it.

I grab a cart and he lets go of my hand and we walk around getting different foods because well.. My mom's food she had gotten for us didn't last long.

"I'll be right back" He said and I nodded.

He walked down the aisle we were in and went a different way.

I grab a few big bags of chex mix and a few of pretzels, tossing them into the cart.

I hear laughing and look up seeing one of my ex boyfriends, Kyle..

"I figured you would have gotten knocked up by now" He said 

"Please. You most likely have 4 different baby mommas" I replied shaking my head.

I turn around and start pushing the cart the opposite way of him.

I feel a hand on my ass and my jaw drops and I turn around, Kyle standing there.

"Don't touch me." I said sternly and he laughs 

"You think you can tell me what to do?" He asked me, his hands going to my hips and I smack them off.

"Stop. I have a boyfriend. Thats NOT. you luckily." I said 

"Come on babygirl. We all know no one likes you enough to make you their girlfriend.. Especially considering your preggos" He said chuckling and I push him away from me angrily.

"Stop" I said and he pulled me back to him.

"What do you want?" I asked, my teeth gritted.

"What do you think I want?" He asked, his hand sliding back towards my butt and I slap him.

"Stop" I said again.

"I have a boyfriend" I repeated.

"You say that.. But I don't see him.. I would think your baby daddy would be up your ass.." He said and his hand smacked my ass.

"I know I would." He said 

"Hey. Get away from her" I hear and then Jack pulls him away from me.

I let out a sigh of relieve but quickly panic again.

"Who the fuck are you?" Kyle says trying to push Jack off him.

"Who is this?" Jack asked me 

"My jackass of an ex" I replied.

"Now thats not nice baby girl." Kyle started and Jack pushed him against the shelves.

"Don't call her that" Jack said 

"Oh. So let me guess.. You're the daddy of the thing growing inside of her right? God Mel when did you start going after younger guys. How old is he? 18? 17? I have a 15 year old cousin if you wanna fuck him" Kyle said and Jack punched him and my eyes widen.

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