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Melody's POV

Finally. We come home with baby Brinley and are able to just relax after being at Jack's parent's house.

Jack and I are laying in bed with Brinley on Jack's chest because he loves holding her. Every chance he gets he holds her.

I am cuddled up to Jack as we watch a movie.

Brinley is asleep on his chest.

Her head is facing me and she is holding his shirt.

She has a good bit of hair on her head and its dark, like almost black, and kind of curly but its obviously not very long so its hard to tell.

I breastfed her a little bit ago before she fell asleep, so I am good to go for a little while.

"I'm gonna put her in her crib babe" I said sitting up and he pouted at me making me chuckle.

"Jack she has to get used to sleeping in her crib. Its literally right next to the bed." I said and he sighs but nods.

I pick her up carefully and she wakes up crying.

"Shhh baby girl its okay" I said holding her to my chest, bouncing her gently as I got off the bed.

Once she stops crying I lay her down and she stares up at me.

I put my hand down into the crib and she holds my thumb gently.

She soon starts falling back asleep and lets go of my thumb.

I watch her for a few extra minutes before crawling back in bed with Jack.

I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"I literally love how you rarely ever wear a bra anymore.. Like thats hot babe" He said rubbing my bare lower back under my shirt.

"Well I kind of breastfeed 50% of the time. And Its much more comfy" I tell him

"Yeah.. But everytime I try to touch them you smack my hands away. Why don't you love me no mooorrrre???" He whined making me giggle a little.

"I do love you." I said and he smiles and looks down at me.

"Its just weird because if you squeeze them Jack. I can guarantee milk will come out of me." I said and he starts laughing.

"If milk comes out then we just get the baby" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Jack. My boobs are also kind of sensitive because of the baby" I said looking up at him.

"Is that normal?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I think" I said and shrugged a little.

"So how do you feel?" He asked me

"I feel.. I feel like I am getting closer to normal again.. But I reallllyyy need to start working out sometime when I know for sure I am good because I am still a little chubby." I said and he chuckles.

"I think you are almost back to normal" He said

"I'm getting there.. But I now have to tighten up my muskles a little more" I said saying Musk Cles

"Okay baby." He said.

We stayed quiet for a few minutes, him rubbing my back.

I look up at him.

"Kiss Me." I said and puckered my lips and he laughs and kisses me.

He held it longer then I expected him to though.

He pulls my body more against his and our tongues collided.

He grabs my butt gently, pulling my body ontop of his.

He holds the band of my sweatpants, gripping them.

He slipped his hands into the back of my sweatpants, his hand rubbing against my butt.

He pulls me a little more forwards, feeling an erection against me.

I break the kiss and look at Jack for a minute.

"Jack.." I trailed off.

"Hmm?" He hummed, his hands on my thighs as he gently rubs them.

"I don't think we should have sex right now." I said and he looks up to my face.

"Are you sure?" He asked looking at me with hope.

"What if i am not ready? What if I am not all healed up? What if It hurts too bad?" I asked him

"The doctor said to wait 5-6 weeks. This is like the 7th or 8th. So you should be healed, But If you don't want to then we don't have to" He said still rubbing my legs, just a little less then he had been.

"But I do want to.... I'm just scared" I whined

"Well baby you wanna face your fears or you wanna wait two more weeks for the next doctors appointment?" He asked me and I thought about it

"Okay." I said and kissed him again.

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