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Melody's POV

One week later

Jack hasn't been over and hasn't really said much to me, just said he needs to think.

I know it must have something to do with that dream he had.

It must.

I didn't do anything did I?

Oh fuck did I do something? What did I do?

I didn't do anything.


Did I?

I grab my phone and text Blondey.

Me: Are u with Jack?

Blondey: Yes. Wyn?

Me: Has he said anything about me? 

Blondey: Can u maybe be more specific, he talks about u all the time.

Me: Anything bad? 

Blondey: I don't think there is anything bad. He hasn't said anything bad.

Me: Why tf isn't he talking to me then? He has barely said anything to me in a week. And I don't want to seem super clingy. BUT ITS KILLING ME BLONDEY. DID I DO SOMETHING? DID I SAY SOMETHING? DID I MESS UP OR SOMETHING?

Blondey: Melody. Your fine. You didn't do anything. He just needed to think

Me: About me??

Blondey: Yes.

Me: But what did I do?

Blondey: Nothing.. He just needs to get his mind right

Me: Did I mess it up or something?

Blondey: Melody. No. Everything is okay. I promise. He is fine. Y'all are fine. He isn't mad, he just needed a few days. He will be back to normal soon.

Me: Does he always do stuff like this?

Blondey: Lol. No.. Sometimes his mind just drifts and he confuses himself. He just needed a few days to get his mind straight and figure some things out. 

Me: Is the few days over yet?

Blondey: I think. Idk for sure.. But I think.

Me: Do you think he will text me?

Blondey: ik he will. 

Me: Ok. Sorry for bothering you with ur time with Jack. I was just worried I messed something up.

Blondey: ur good. I get it.

Me: Alright Ill ttys.

Blondey: Alright ttys.

I set my phone down sighing.

So .. Jack and I are good.. He just needed to think..

The day he had the dream he left, I thought nothing of it, he kissed me goodbye, said he will text me later.

And then he did, but didn't text me any other day, and I got scared that I messed up what we had.

I still went to help my mom the next day, we had donated a lot to a thrift store near her house, but Certain things of my dad's I did want to keep, and she did too.

Raya comes out of her room.

"Still no Jack?" She asked me and I looked down.

"Well.. I talked to Blondey.. That counts.. His name is Jack" I said and she frowned a little and I sighed.

"I don't even know what happened.. Blondey said that Jack just needed to think... about me. And I am trying to figure out what I did.. But I don't know what I did.. Like did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? Or??" I trailed off,.

"Its will be okay.. He will be back soon" She said sitting next to me.

"Right.. But what about until then?" I asked.

"Until then.. You have me to watch movies with.." She said holding her arms up and smiling.

"What movie?" I asked smiling a small smile at her.

"The Lion King" She said and I rolled my eyes but put it on anyways.

We watch through the movie and she falls asleep on me.

Why does eveyone fall asleep on me? It happens a lot.

I don't get it... Am I just that comfortable?

I shrug it off and close my eyes also, letting myself fall asleep too.

Hopeful that Jack will text me tomorrow

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