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Melody's POV

A year later.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife" The minister says.

"You may kiss the bride" He said and Jack pulls me close and kisses me.

Brinley is one now and we decided about 3 months ago that we were going to get married sometime soon.

If I am being honest I figured after the two and a half years Jack has been with me, he wouldn't still want to marry me.


He did and I was shocked.

We break the kiss as people were clapping and all that stuff.

"Did we just get married?" He questions whispering, our lips still close.

"I think so" I said smiling a little, he smiles bigger and pulls me closer, kissing me again.

Not as long as the first time.

"Thats cool as fuck" He said quietly making me laugh.

We all went to eat and everything and were just having a good time.

My mom cried her eyes out.

Raya hands Brinley to Jack and he smiles at his baby.

"Daddy.. anfdw aofj And nummys?" She asked him, babbling a little as she is still learning to speak.

"You hungry baby?" He asked her.

"Nummys?" She asked and he nods, when she refers to food she always says nummys.

"Lets just get her some cake" I said and he nods.

"Not a lot though" I tell him seriously.

"Mhmm" He replies as he went to cut it, everyone surrounding us wanting a piece too.

He cuts two relatively big pieces and I take them on the plates and we walk around, letting the other people get cake.

We sit down, Brinley on Jack's knee.

I feed a little cake to her and then Jack opens his mouth and so I feed him too.

I take turns, feeding a bite to Brin and a bite to Jack, giggling as both of their faces were getting messy.

"Mumum," Brinley said opening her mouth wider as I was feeding Jack.

I smile and continue feeding her, giving her more than Jack.

"Mumum" Jack said pouting.

I take Brinley from him.

"Feed yourself" I said chuckling and taking my first bite of the cake, loving the taste.

He starts eating some cake as I shared mine with Brinley.

"Bro you just got married." Blondey said sitting across from us with a big piece of cake.

"Yeah I know its weird." He said chuckling.

"I hope you're not expecting me to move out. Because that was definitely not on my agenda" He tells Jack and we both laugh.

"No one expects you, or Raya to move out" Jack said

Raya sits next to Blondey.

"Ayyaaaa" Brinley said smiling and waving her hands at her.

"Hey baby girl" Raya said chuckling because of the fact she was just with Brinley.

"Are they kicking us out?" She whispered loudly to Blondey.

"Nah they are letting us stay" He replied shaking his head.

"Good because I was not planning on leaving" Raya replied making me laugh.

"Y'all are part of the family." Jack said smiling.

I love our little family.

Sorry guys this sucks sooooo bad. But I didn't know how to end this one and didn't wanna drag it on or anything so yeah. I hope you liked it though 😊❤️❤️❤️

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