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Jack's POV


I get dressed and grab the present I bought a few weeks ago.

I have been debating on actually giving it to her.

And I decided I am going to. I am going to tell her how I feel. And give it to her. And hopefully, She feels the same.

I drive over to her apartment and park the car, sliding the small box into my pocket.

I get out and go to the elevator, going up to her floor.

The elevator doors open and I go to her door and open the door, knowing it would be unlocked, which it was.

I go to her room and knock on her door.

I hear a familiar sound and immediately feel myself losing confidence, now knowing she was with someone.

My heart breaks a little and I open the door, seeing Melody with some guy.

"What the fuck Mel" I said angrily, really just super hurt.

"Uh. Heyy.. Jack" She said awkwardly.

"Fuck You" I said shaking my head. I knew I had to leave before I broke.

"You did babe" She yelled as I walked out.

I slammed the door shut and ran to the elevator,.

I step in as it opened and I feel tears slipping out

This is what I get for falling for someone again.

I should have fucking known.

This is the whole reason I waited so long to try to tell her.

I hate Loving someone. I hate it because it always just hurts. Thats it. I am fucking stupid.

"GOD DAMNIT" I yelled sliding down to the ground and burying my face into my hands.


"Jack... Come on Jack wake up.. Its okay.." I hear.

"You're okay.. Wake up" She says and I quickly sat up with wide eyes.

"It was a dream.." I said quietly still feeling really upset.

I look at Melody, who has a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay??" She asked me sitting up, her hands go to my cheeks and I feel her thumbs wiping away tears? Fuck I was really crying.

Thats embarrassing.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good" I said nodding, my hands going to her wrists, gently rubbing my thumb against her soft skin.

"You sure?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Just a dream" I said and she nods.

Fuck that dream really fucked me over.

Do I love her? 

Is that why it hurt so bad?

Is that what I was going to tell her?

No.. Its too early for that.

But. Is it?

Yes yes. Definitely.

But..She is beautiful.. Like her eyes.. and he smile.. and her cute little nose.. and her hair is so soft and perfect.. She is just perfect.. Her body... Her personality.. Her face.. Her voice.. God Damnit. 

I do love her.

I groaned and leaned my head against her shoulder.

Houston we have a problem.

Melody's POV

Damn he gave me a heart attack.

He just started crying and mumbling stuff I couldn't understand. It scared the crap out of me.

But now he seems to be pretty sad.

Its weird.

I don't think I have seen him sad before.. I have seen him pissed. and happy.. and tired.. and giggly and drunk.. But.. Sad is very different for him.

He randomly groans and then leans his head against my shoulder and I just wrap my arms around him.

I can't help but think about what Raya was saying.

Do I love him?

He is really nice.. And funny.. and I love when he sings.. and when he just talks to me.. I like how he is so ... himself... plus he is super hot.. But I don't know.

His eyes lure me in quite a bit. Its like I could just stare into them forever.. They are so dark.. and carry so much emotion.  He is literally like the definition of perfect.

Maybe.. I do like him a little more than  I thought..

But is it love? Is that why I get so happy whenever he comes around me? And why everytime his hands touch me, whatsoever, my heart gets all happy and beats a little faster.. And why I just want to hug and kiss him all the time? Like honestly the sex is great. But if I had to go without it I would be fine with just being with him.But like.. I seriously doubt that I will have to go without it..

Just his touch gets me all warm inside. and He kisses with.. A lot of emotion and passion, which I really like.

Normally.. I wouldn't be with someone younger than me.. But I mean.. There is something about me that makes me not care whatsoever. And honestly.. I am perfectly fine with him being a little younger.. its only two years. He is legal. And I am positive now that I love him.


I don't know if thats good.

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