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Melody's POV

He pressed his lips to mine, pulling me down and then flipping us over so he was on top of me.

His hands roamed my body, the familiar goosebumps forming on my body from his touch,

I inhaled a deep breath as his hands were on my thighs sliding up.

"What do you want me to do beautiful?" He asked me, just barely removing his lips from mine to say it.

"Touch me more" I mumbled as his hand started sliding up my shirt.

I pressed his hand against my bare breast and my eyes trailed up to his.

He bites his lip and his hand slowly slid away from my chest, pulling the shirt over my head.

He pulls my underwear off also throwing them on the ground.

He looks down at me, a small smile on his face.

His eyes flickered up to mine.

"Have I ever told you how damn gorgeous you are?" He asked me, looking into my eyes with his dark ones.

I smiled a little, a small blush rising to my cheeks.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded.

He leaned down, kissing my chest slowly,

He leaves a trail of love bites down my body, making his way to my heat.

He gets to my lower stomach and his kisses get lighter, and softer.

He lifts his head and opens my legs.

He leaves wet kisses in my inner thighs making my breathing a little shaky

His lips touched my mound, pressing a small kiss to it.

He kisses ever square inch of my core, and then his lips go back to my mound.

He moves his lips slowly against me, a few small moans escaping my lips.

His tongue is pressed against me and I couldn't help but move my hand down to his hair, wanting more.

I feel his tongue moving against me and I bite my lip, holding in so, so many moans threatening to leave my lips.

I grip his hair and I feel his tongue go down into me.

I lift my hips from the bed and he wraps his arms around my legs, holding my thighs apart.

He pulls away a little, pushing a finger into me.

I moan as he does so, lifting my hips once again.

He slowly pumps his finger in and out of me as my breathing stayed heavy.

"Fuck. Jack stop I need you." I said, entirely too horny for just his finger.

He sits up and then groans.

"I don't have a condom." He said

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