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Melody's POV
A few hours later.
My contractions got much worst and I made everyone leave the room but Jack.

I started crying.
"Jack I don't think I can do this it hurts" I said
"Shhh baby you'll be okay. You can't really back out now." He said rubbing my hands in his.
"But it hurts" I cried out and he reached his hands up and wiped my tears.
"Don't think about the pain. Think about something happy." He said and I shook my head.
"It's too much pain I can't just do that" I said and then It gets worst.
"Jack.Jack. I think the baby is coming." I said squeezing my eyes shut.

Jack calls someone in, obviously not knowing what to do.
A doctor comes in, nurses all around us.
Jack grabs my hand and I hold it tight.

Literally, for at least two hours the doctors were in here delivering the baby. Jack holding my hand tight.
Finally the baby was born.
My breathing was heavy and they asked if Jack wanted to cut the umbilical cord and he freaks out a little.
"No. No." He said shaking his head fast and so the doctors do it.
Finally, I am handed my baby, her laying on my chest.
"Oh my god" I said, happy she is finally out of me.
I am covered all back up and hold baby Brinely close to me.
I start crying again.
"Jack I just had a baby" I said looking up at him and he is staring at her smiling a lot.
"This is so cool" he said jumping up and down slightly making me giggle.
The doctors walked out, one nurse took Brinely and did the whole weight and measurement thing
"7.5 ounces and 18 inches. 
Born at 8:46pm" she reads off to us.
We do the name stuff and then she leaves.

Everyone comes in.
"Guys I just had a baby." I said smiling and then see my brother and my smile drops.
His smile didn't though.
"I wanna hold her" everyone says and Jack scoffs.
"Me first" he said and I handed her to Jack, her wrapped in her blanket.
He sits back in his chair and stares at her, holding her close. Everyone crowds around him, mine and Jack's mom's taking pictures

Marcus walks over to my bed.

"Why'd you come?" I asked looking down.

"I mean.. You were having a baby.. Mom called.. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" He asked me.

"You were mad at me." I tell him.

"That was two years ago Mel." He chuckled.

"But you still were not talking to me" I stated.

"I wasn't not talking to.. I just had been busy. But you could have called" He said 

"So.. Jack and Kyle got into a fight a while ago." I tell him.

"Good. That dick deserved to get his ass kicked." He said chuckling making me smile a little.

"He was a dick" I agreed nodding.

"But sis. You like.. Have a baby now.." He said smiling as he trailed off.

"I know right. Thats some crazy shit right there.. I never thought I would have one" I said shaking my head.

"I knew you would.. I just didn't think it would be yet." He said.

Jack hands Brinley back to me.

"Her name is Brinely." I said to Marcus and he smiles.

"Thats cute" He said and I nodded.

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