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Melody's POV

I wake up and Jack's hand is still in my hair, but no longer running through it

I look up and see him asleep.

He had scooted down to lay down and my head was just rested next to his side still.

I sit up and scoot up closer to him, pulling the blanket up with me.

He moves in his sleep, turning over.

He wakes up a little and I look up and he just wraps his arms around me and buries his face into my neck, falling back asleep.

I wrap my arms around and gently glide my nails around on his back.

I gently peck his neck and continue gently rubbing his back.

After about an hour. He wakes up fully.

He rubs my back and pecks my shoulder.

"Good Morning beautiful" He said groggily.

"Good Morning" I whispered, still feeling tired but I can't just go back to sleep after being awake for an hour.

I start scratching his back slowly and gently again and he makes a moaning noise.

"That feels soooo good" He said and I giggled a little.

"Your so cute" I said stopping

"Babbbyyyyyyyy keep going" He whines and I start back again

"You should do this more often" He said

"Well normally when I do it its much more aggressive.." I said

"Yes and its the hottest thing in the world." He said

"Like watching you being pleasured and hearing you. Damn. It is the hottest thing in the world" He said.

"Especially when you say my name. Like it sends me over the edge" He said.

"Jackkk" I whined.

"What?" He asked.

"Stop talking like that." I said

"Why?" He asked chuckling.

"Because its too much. Your voice is all deep and sexy and then your saying words that turn me on and so its too much" I said

"You get turned on so easily" He said,

"I swear its just you" I said and he lifts his head smiling.

He presses his lips against mine, cupping my face.

His hand goes over my baby bump and to my core, rubbing against me slowly.

He smiles a little into the kiss as he pulled away.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were turned on" He said and I smiled turning my head away from him blushing a little.

He pushes himself up and is now in between my legs.

He pushes my legs a little more apart and I feel his thumb rubbing against my slit.

I moan couldn't help but lift up slightly.

He rubs himself against me before gently sliding into me.

He lifts my legs, holding them as he began thrusting.

I reach up above me, pressing my hands against the headboard hard.

My chest rises quickly as small moans leave my lips, a few leaving Jack's as well.

"Jack." I moaned and saw him close his eyes for a few seconds, biting his lip.

My legs shake and his thrust got deeper.

I feel myself getting closer and focus on keeping my legs open as they were trying to close, but obviously Jack was between them so they wouldn't close very much.

He slows down a little and I whimpered.

"Don't stop." I moaned out kind of liking the slow and hard.

My stomach tightens and he sped up again, both of us finishing.

He pulls out, laying beside me again, pulling the blanket over our bodies.

"Can we stay in bed today?" He asked me, placing small kissing around my chest before looking up to me.

"Mhmm." I nodded, very relaxed and fulfilled.

I put my hand gently on his chest, tracing shapes and lines all around on his chest.

"You know what gonna suck" I said

"What?" He asked

"I read that after you have a baby, when you have sex its like losing your virginity all over again." I said

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah. And that hurt like a bitch" I said and he chuckled and looked at me.

"I'll be careful" He said and kissed my cheek making me smile.

"Oh but the best part about this whole pregnancy thing is that the sex is sooooo much more intense" I said to him and he laughs lightly.

"I wish I knew what that feels like because on my end, sex with you is already the most amazing and pleasurable thing in the world" He said

"Yeah imagine that, But in the universe" I said making him laugh again.

"Your so cute" He said and started kissing all over my face before kissing my lips again.

"I love you" He said, barely pulling away to say so before pressing his lips back into mine.

I mumble and 'I love you' into the kiss, smiling as our kiss continues.

A Little More //Jack Gilinsky FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now