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Melody's POV

There is a knock on the door and I run up and open the door.

"Hey honey. Happy Birthday" Momma said and I smiled hugging her.

"Momma. I have someone I want you to meet.." I said smiling.

"Someone..Special?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yes. Very special" I said and he smile grew.

I pulled her inside and Jack comes out of the kitchen, taking a drink of his water.

He looks at my mom.

"Mom. This is Jack. My boyfriend" I said smiling 

"Boyfriend?" She asked smiling a little bigger.

"Boyfriend" Jack said smiling and nodding and they shook hands.

"So. How long have you two been together?" She asked.

"Well we have been together for almost three months, but we have been officially together for a little over a week." I tell her smiling over at Jack.

"Well. I got you a present" She said smiling.

"Really? What it it?" I asked her.

"Well. You have to come to the car.." She said and I nodded.

"Come on" I said and grabbed Jack's hand.

We slid on our shoes and then followed my mom.

We go down to the parking garage, and to my mom's car.

She opens the trunk and starts handing me bags.

"Mom. What is this?" I asked giggling a little.

"I thought you might need some groceries" She said and I giggled a gain.

She starts piling bags on Jack's arms.

"Oh. And I got you this" She said putting a long box in my mouth.

I giggled again with it in my mouth and she grabbed the rest of the bags and we went back up to my room.

We start putting things away and Raya walks out of her room yawning.

"Happy Birthday" She said rubbing her eyes.

I nodded in reply and we set everything in the kitchen and Jack and Mom started putting things away.

"Thanks" I said taking the box out of my mouth.

I open the box and smile seeing a bracelet.

"Mom its beautiful" I said smiling at it as I took it out of the box and putting it on.

"Thank You" I said and she nodded.

"Your welcome. Now help us put these groceries away" She said and I nodded.

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